T-T I was looking at the cardigans.com forum, and a topic is there about people’s least favorite Cardigans song. Noooo, they’re allll wonderful!! ;_;
- Sunday Circus Song
- Travelling With Charley
- Gorden’s Gardenparty
- Burning Down the House (with Tom Jones)
- Great Divide
- Blah, Blah, Blah
(but this one has such a great message!) - the Life album O_o
- After All…
- Tomorrow
- Closing Time
- Beautiful One
- Pikebubbles
- Hey Get Out of My Way
- Last Song
- For What It’s Worth
- Country Hell
- Our Space
- Gran Turismo
(I understand this one … or at least I know the reasoning behind it … can’t say I can relate :b) - Deuce (X-Files)
- Seems Hard
- Celia Inside
- Junk of the Hearts
- Happy Meal
- Marvel Hill
- Mr.Crowley
(This one I kind of understand … but NO! They’re all great! XP;;) - Higher “its too whiney” O.o ;_;
- Step on Me
- “quite a few” on First Band on the Moon
- “all the depressing ones.”
(but they do those so well!! T-T) - Losers
- Your New Cuckoo
- Desafinado
- Nil
(;.; I adore Nil! So … I don’t know, full of some emotion)
aaaaand …
“NONE” —Muzztein XDD I second that!
*sighs* I guess there’s no accounting for taste … :b Nah, it’s okay … *sniffle* Just makes me sad, is all … Now I wanna hear Sunday Circus Song and Deuce. *nods*