I watched Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door Thursday, with Noelle. ^__^ (And since then I’ve had two separate mentions of Halloween. O.o One from SM00, I forget what for, and one from my mom today, talking about doughnuts she bought with orange and black sprinkles. “What am I supposed to do, keep it for a month and a half? They wouldn’t be doughnuts anymore!”)
Wheee! More Spike and Faye-Faye and Ed XD goodness! Plus hearing the soundtrack that I’ve been listening to for about a year now without having ever seen the movie. ^_^;;; That was cool. “Ooh! This song! *hums along*” ^-^
We made a stop at Mitsuwa on the way home. Mommy and I shared a “pork-flavored ramen” from Tampopo. XD And it was better than the other, a bit … still really salty. Not that that’s bad, I’m just thinking about my system digesting it. ^_^;; I also got her to buy nori in the market. (wheee, nori!! :D)
Then we looked at that “book” (manga) store. There was this huuge thing with GLAY on it. $50. Hm. o_o (They’re like full of pictures, or something, I don’t know.) The Ayumi Hamasaki one from some 2001 tour is still there, $15. And I knew no one else there. (There was a book on the top shelf that was labeled Brad Pitt. :b) Couldn’t find Gokinjo Monogatari or Paradise Kiss or any other manga I knew and was interested in (Inu-Yasha :b). The Ring 2 video is still there. *shiver* Must watch some time. ^^
Looked through Trendy (really, it’s the store’s name). Not much. Inu-Yasha DVDs, three, for $60. All-region coding, too. And subtitles. But … I didn’t want to spend that much money at the moment. And there was this Totoro doll, too. One of the smaller ones. It was so round and cuute! ^__^ Me want. But didn’t buy. (*can imagine SM00 hiding him as well* D<)
Then after dinner Mommy, Hidek, and I went to Westside Pavilion. I wanted The Sandman: Season of Mists and maybe some shirts, and Hidek wanted an Element hat. What we got: Element hat (black and red, oooh), Element t-shirt, and Vans t-shirt, and two pairs of shorts (Dutch girl style, as Mommy said ^_^;) and a Nirvana book for Hidek; larger purse (ish cool ^_^) to fit my sunglasses, The F***-Up, For All Time, Sorceress, Born Blue, and lastly, The Sandman: Season of Mists, all for me. No manga this time. *gasp* (And the string of “teen” books, I’ve wanted them all for a long while. For All Time since 9th grade or whenever. o_o)
I don’t know how much I spent … hopefully no more than $50. ^^;;; Oh yeah! Westside Pavilion has a skate shop. I never knew. They also have a PacSun that’s more LA-style (read: more coool :b) than the one in Thousand Oaks (i.e. upper middle-class x_x). I was actually beginning to think that it might not be so bad after all. :b~ Ooh ooh, and and, there’s an anime cart right outside the PacSun! *dances* Although it’s not as fully stocked as the one by Noelle (two shelves of manga and one shelf of DVDs *sniff*), it has a website! :D I still have to check that out. ^^;; Will do tomorrow.
Parting words … new layout (BoA ^^) at [STF (link to layout archive)]. I still have to make a new layout for IAT. And make the wallpaper site. (Or maybe not.) And divide Elsewhere into writing and images (I’m gonna rename EW “Ever Elsewhere.” ^^)
Ah, I need to upload mah new sleeping beauty layout soon. I wanna scare everyone. Its so ugly. Even Jeid admits it.