I’ve become tongue-tied

SM00: how come you havent updated your blog lately?
me: what is there to say?
SM00: i don’t know
SM00: tlak about adam?
me: okay

Lessee … Adam ish smart … Adam ish cute … Adam is crushed on by SM00. XP

But anyway … I don’t really know what to talk about anymore. ^_^;; I suppose this is a loggy kind of journal. You know, like “Wednesday [date]: Went to school. Ate lunch. Came home. Thursday [date]: Went to school. Ate Lunch. Came home. Friday [date]: Went to school. Saw dead cat. Poked at it with a stick. Ate lunch. Came home.” :b Got that from Leave It to Beaver. XD So … Wednesday, went to class. Took notes. Came home (2). Thursday, went to class. Realized how much I screwed up on my class schedule cover. :x Took notes. Came home (2). Friday, went to class. Watched a documentary on Geronimo. Came home (2). Packed up. Drove home. Ooh, ooh. It took us a mucho long time to get home, for some reason. I forget why. No accidents. It was just slow after the Sepulveda Pass. x.x Or actually, slooow after the Sepulveda Pass. Yeah.

Then I spent practically two hours trying to burn this CD (I hope that’s the right link), with absolutely no success. x.< I ruined two CD-Rs trying to get it working. -_- First time (a few weeks ago), a song wouldn’t burn, and I had to quit ’cause I ran out of time, so yesterday I tried to continue, but it didn’t work. Maybe because the power went out upstairs for a second so things turned off. Including the CD burner. ¬_¬ Then I grabbed another CD to try that, and the whole thing completed, but for some reason it just won’t read as music … so I thought of using Daddy’s CD burner, ’cause Hidek told me it’s working now, but then I found out there are absolutely no network connections in this house. O_O! So I gave up on the CD.

When Daddy came home, though, he brought a 64 mb memory stick from work that they got free with a notebook from Dell. XD That thing is so cool. I want one. ;.; Except that USB ports are behind the computers, so I’m crawling under and around things … blegh. The Macs on campus have USB ports on the keyboards. ^^; That’s handy. Anyway. I gots mah CD now. :D After almost 2 months … ^_^; after listening to the songs so much on Winamp that I got tired of them … ^_^;; oh well.

Today was a boring, yet productive, yet relaxing day. No studying or driving or reading or note-taking or test-taking or … thinking. XP (Actually, I did drive today, but more later). All I really did was chores (laundry and dishes, both manual dishwashing and loading the dishwasher), switch my Lisa Loeb fanlisting over to PHPFanBase, and read Sorceress. Much fun was had. After dinner Mommy, Hidek, and I went to Santa Monica Place. o_O

I’ve never really entered the freeway with the meter on before. ^_^;; I just always hit the gas all the way up. Then there were so many cars … but I didn’t have to move over three lanes to get on the 101. Just one lane to get to the 10. That was grand. But then the two lanes to the interchange were all slow. Yuck. But after the two lanes split up (north and south) it cleared up. Woohoo. I think it’s fairly simple remembering how to get to Santa Monica Place. ^^ For some reason I can’t remember how to get to Westside Pavilion. Well, there are two ways to get there, that may be one reason why.

Anyway. Yeah. Santa Monica Place has changed. o_o As Mommy said, “It’s more consumerism. Less touristy.” The Warner Bros. store closed. Wow. There’s a Forever 21 in its place. ^.^ I can’t say I’m disappointed.

So anyway. First went to Hot Topic to see boots. I no like Hot Topic. It’s all small and squishy and dark and loud. I couldn’t get out of this one girl’s way in the aisle. x_x But anyway. Boots were too high for me. ^^;;; And they only had red. Wahh. Didn’t hang around to look at anything else. Passed by Robinsons-May and went in to look at their boots. Niice boots. But too expensive. Even on sale for like $70. :( And the heel’s too high. I don’t want to put stress on my back. Mommy said 2 inch heels at the most, but ideally 1.5 inches.

Met back up with Hidek at Sam Goody and went to Pac Sun. Woo. I still say I like the Westside Pavilion one best. Even though I don’t really like Pac Sun. Hidek got two pairs of shorts. Then … Anchor Blue: nothing. Oh yeah. Got two hair clips (buy one get one half off) at Claire’s. Or. A store with a different name, a bit classier, less funky stuff, but run by Claire’s. Yeah. Forever 21: pair of pants and three shirts. Yay! ^-^ I was so tired standing in line with Mommy. ^^;; Kept staring off into space. I think I stared at the guy cashier too long. >_>;;; *coughs*

Then I saw the Kimono-ya was across the way, so I walked in while Mommy kept a lookout for Hidek. Woooo, so prettyful! They didn’t have a wedding kimono all special on display. And I didn’t wanna be tacky and look at the tags on the racks. ^^;;; But there wasn’t anything jaw dropping in there. Pooh. Just all around nice stuff. They had a rack of haori (I think they were haori) on sale, “$15 and up.” I saw a nice one I’d want. ^^;; But I have one. And I don’t wear it. They also had this book, encyclopedia of Japanese family crests, and … it made no sense to me. I couldn’t find the crest for my family. There were soooooo many shown in that book. o_o Amazing.

So, in conclusion, my hunt for boots continues. Oh. I found out on the EGL community that Hot Topic gets clothes specially made for them a bit cheaper from other clothing lines. Yeah. It was in the post about Hot Topic selling “Lola Goth” t-shirts. O_o Would those shirts even be understood, I wonder? Anyway. So I went looking for websites of the clothes I liked (Lip Service and Morbid Threads) and found Lip Service has an online store but Morbid Threads doesn’t. *sigh* Ah well. Look. [Removed link.] ^^ Kinda like the other shirt. Kinda. Don’t know what it’s made with, though. :/ For $90 it better be good!

Hm. The realization I had tonight: if I want my own style, the one that I want, and not the one that I can find off the rack in stores, I really really really need more confidence. Boo. It all comes back to that again.

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