ima, watashi wa … nasshingu.

I feel BLAH. So. Yeah. I’m kinda in that mood where I’m annoyed ’cause my old entries all show the same date. ¬_¬ I mean, I know it was like that. I’ve known since … I dunno … maybe after I converted to shtml. ^^; Now whenever I rebuild my entry files the date changes to that date. Soo … I last rebuilt my entry pages in October. Yeah. I knew about the problem before then. And for some reason it annoys me right now.

Oh well. Endore sent me an e-mail that I read today saying they’re deleting all files on the servers that are named “formmail.whatever” ’cause of spambots. ¬¬ So now I have to install Formmail on my own (and name the script something other than formmail). But I dun wanna. And I don’t want to install PHPFanbase for each fanlisting, ’cause then I’d have to add each and every single member to the list. x_X Unless I felt like being buggy and saying, “You. Rejoin the fanlisting because I’m too lazy to add you.”

Instead of doing any of those things I spent maybe 15–30 minutes writing a note explaining I won’t update until after the 15th (last day I have finals), and linking to that page from every formmail join page I have. (Only my Lisa Loeb and Miwako fanlistings are run by PHPFanbase.)

Uh. Stuck for what else to say. I got The Ring manga. ^^; It has an eye on the cover. And it’s staring at me right now. O.o Scaary.

You know … I would get a Borders card … and I found out today how to get there. ^^ (It’s like … go to Westside Pavilion … then drive past it until you get to … a street that starts with the letter R. Then turn right.) But then it’s muuch farther than I want to drive to a so-called local bookstore.

And I might get a Barnes and Noble card. But for some reason I just don’t go there often. Even though it’s about half the distance of Borders. It’s also less than half the manga selection that Borders has. :b Ooh, burned!

At Borders I was looking at Neil Gaiman books (veeery tiny selection o_o and absolutely no Neverwhere books XP), Robert A. Heinlein books (whoa, he wrote a lot o.o saw a few books I wanna read later ^^), manga (o’ course), aand … Sandman books! (Of course! :b)

I saw these old versions of Preludes & Nocturnes. o_o That was weird. What, do all the Borders customers already have the first Sandman collection? XD Then I stared at the 7, 9, and 10 they had. They also had lots of Sandman: King of Dreams. ^_^ Oh yeah, I saw that Sandman: Book of Dreams. -.- (Bad story behind the production.) And they had The Sandman Companion. o_o I wanted! I was gonna get it. But then I didn’t have enough money. ;_; Even without it, I had to borrow $11.84 from Mommy. They also had The Last Temptation. Wow. Cheap comic. ^_^;; Black and white (or yellow, considering they used newspaper quality paper *rolleyes*).

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