-.-;; Mum just told me to get off a couple minutes ago and go to bed, so I closed everything. Then she realized my brother wasn’t asleep, so she shouldn’t make me go to sleep either. o.O Oh well. I’m gonna get off after this anyway. Chippies and sodie and Martinelli’s sparkling cider in the living room. :9 And I have Good Omens to read. I also have The Sandman book 10 to read … but *sniffs* I DON’T WANNA READ IT!!! NOOOO! It can’t be over!! ;.; Well, I think I’m gonna read it anyway. ^^;;
And, woah, I just remembered this dream … except … this is really weird … I can’t remember if it was my dream, or a dream in a novel, or someone’s dream online, or … just one of those weird deja vu things … it’s kinda really confusing me. o_o And now I’ve forgotten most of it. ^^;;; Oh well.
Oh yeah … I finished Endless Nights last night. Nooo! That just leaves two books left to read that have to do with The Sandman … unless I magically come up with a couple twenties, then I can buy The Sandman Companion. ^^;
Aaanyway … new layout. Yeah. The girl is a model in this Banana Republic ad. ^_^; I just really liked that photo … And, I’m kinda wondering, what’s with this pink scrollbar out in the middle of all this grey-blue? It’s kind of … an eyesore … no?
Oh yeah! Yesterday I spent most of the afternoon/evening working on MFF. ^_^;; I think a good chunk of my time “updating” that site is spent sorting out all my floppy disks … so I think I’m gonna put all my stuff on the old compi. That’ll take a while. And … since that compi takes so long to start (about a couple minutes, I think?), I may be updating even less … but then again, I wouldn’t have to mess with the disks. So … yeah.
I haven’t updated here for over a week. How weird. When was the last time I did that? I was trying not to do that anymore. But, here’s the really weird part, I haven’t really said anything in my lj either. And I haven’t written in my diary, log, or noteook. So … weird. I don’t really feel like I haven’t been writing entries lately. Oh well.
Um … what else to say …
Okay! Today! Today Mum woke me up at 6:00 and I actually got up and got ready and everything. Everyone was ready and rolling at 6:40. ^^;; We were supposed to leave at 6:30. But oh well. We were ten minutes early anyway. N had to take a test at UTI. After that we went to IHOP and I had crépe-style pancakes. Yum.
Then we went to the Ontario Mills Mall. There’s a Vans skatepark there. o_o Sooo cool. Umm … went in quite a few stores. At the Virgin Megastore I got The Sandman book 10 (for $12 o.o!), Foo Fighter’s Single Have It All (Darling Nikki! XD), and Millenium Actress. I’m wondering, if I brought it tomorrow, would we watch it? I don’t know. I also got two blouses (pink! :b) at Forever 21 that Mum paid for. Oh yeah. I finished Shadow Puppets on the way there. It’s good, kinda. Not great. Now I get to read through the whole series again. >b
After we got home Mum agreed to take me to Circuit City to look at stuff. I bought earphones ’cause N said they were good, and some part of the plastic on my current ones are coming off. No one sells Aiwa anymore. T-T I think that sucks. Oh well. Mum said I could buy from Aiwa.com. It’s gonna be over $160. For a portable CD player (with AM/FM tuner :b) and stereo. Yeah. And after today I owe M and D $80. x_x I don’t want to use the money in my bank account anymore. So I’m not spending for a loooong time now. :(