woo, two posts in one day…
I’ve been on the internet too long. Year-wise, not hour-wise. I dunno …
Someone on the radio said, I forget, but they said “…you’re…” The person said it like yor so I seriously thought they said “your” and I was about to correct them, “No, you’re.”
… yeah, I’ve spent too much time online … or I’ve gone to the next level in grammar nazism.
I upgraded WordPress! Woo! Easiest Upgrade Ever. haha. But I found out there’s an import Greymatter included IN the blog itself (ehehe), so I decided to find out more about it, maybe even import … but I guess it’s hard to do in 1.5. I was willing to try it with 1.5.1, but then I found out it needs to import from a Greymatter install (duh?). Dangit! I don’t think I’m allowed to install Greymatter on this server. I forget where I read that. I wonder what would happen if I tried anyway … >b It’s not like I’m actually going to use it or anything …
(Oh, it’s under their TOS. Pooh.)