fallibility of the ‘net

I’m tired, it’s late, so I can’t remember the word I’m thinking of. *blink* I can’t even remember what I’m thinking of. Something … about how it’s always changing. Yeah.

I guess I’m not getting back my old ezboard posts. ;.;

Someone hacked ezboard almost two months ago and everything went down and they spent all this time restoring everything and right now they say if your posts haven’t come back by now you’re not going to get them back and guess what? I’m really lame for being sad because of some bits (bytes?) lost in the internet void. I don’t even know what I’m missing. I didn’t get very far in cleaning up the topics. ^.^;; It’s just, I guess, some stuff from when I was 15 or 16. Is it stupid of me for feeling old because I’ve been online for the past 5 years? Ehehe.

Anyway. I keep freaking out about things like … I can’t say that, because the “that” that I would be referring to is the 5 years thing … I need sleep. This is a stupid post. I’m not supposed to make stupid posts on my nice pretty blog anymore. But oh well. Everyone shall hear my lament. Hah.

I keep freaking out about computer stuff and internet stuff. I really shouldn’t be so attached to something that I don’t even understand. (how exactly do you take plastic, metal, and electricity, and make it do all the things a computer does?)

But … I tend to be an emotional packrat. Like, sometimes I’ll wish I’d kept my Valentine’s from grammar school. Do you know how many valentines that was?! Maybe something like 15–30 × five years … silly. When I was a kid, I thought, ‘I can throw these out, I’ll just get more next year.’ Yeah … haven’t gotten a Valentine from a non-family member since … 7th or 8th grade.


…I keep worrying that Livejournal might go down, and I’ll never see my entries again. (Going on 3 years now.) Or my Greatestjournal. I worry about GJ more, because no one pays for that, and LJ is more like a business type of thing … well now it is, anyway. *below the belt* haha. I mean … I already had my domain hostserverthingie go bust. They were definitely a business and still went bust. Then again, they were also overselling or whatever that term is. I lost the comments on my last 7 blog entries that time. ;.; (I salvaged the actual entries from the Internet Archive 6 months or a year later.)

That’s it. It’s late. Bah. Stupid. I think I may need a haircut. *random*

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