I decided to not buy scantrons in the package anymore. Hidek was asking me whether he should buy the single scantrons or the ones in a package (why can’t he think about that for himself? O_o), and I was saying you save money with the ones in a package. But then I thought, you have to think about the pollution and whatnot that goes into making the plastic packaging. And probably all that plastic just gets tossed out in the trash to fill up landfills. So! It’s single scantrons for me. >) I’ll pay more to save the planet, yes I will!
Unless if you plan on recycling the plastic by melting it down and turning it into something useful. :P But oh wait, that would cause more pollution, wouldn’t it? Hmm…
Well yeah both of your points are true; I was just thinking that most people wouldn’t even think of recycling it, much less actually do it. I think most recycling programs allow only specific numbers (1–6) to be recycled, and plastic packaging normally doesn’t have a number. :(
Our recycling place only allowed #2, until about a few months ago. X_x
o_o!! Yeesh. I remember when we could only recycle 1, 2, and 6. Then it switched to 1–5. Now the website just says “plastics” so I take advantage of it. >) As long as it’s not too tiny to be noticed, and not dirtied by food, if it’s plastic it goes in the blue bin!! Muahahahahaha!