I didn’t write about Christmas, so I’ll do it now, along with New Year’s. (I also didn’t write about the Bush letter before the year ended, which I was hoping to do, but I won’t write about it now.)
Christmas was at Auntie G’s this year. Christmas breakfast, my cousins and aunts prepared. We watched a little bit of A Christmas Story, a little bit of the Mythbusters marathon, a little bit of horrible infomercial-ish commercials (BUT WAIT!), before the sports fanatics grabbed the TV.
Opened presents around two. I got … Muppets CDs, Muppet Movie, Sherwood Smith books, a book on Japanese bookbinding, and a Linny the Wonder Pet guinea pig beanie doll! hee! Linny was a big hit with SM00. :P
Afterwards, Hidek and Tadash and my cousin’s husband played Texas Hold’em for $5 each with me as dealer (10% cut which became $5! woot!) and Mickey watched. G (cousin’s husband) won.
Auntie G showed us this game with chips and three dice, and the dice read “L,” “R,” “C,” or nothing. We had to pass our chips around or put them in the center until one person was left with one, the winner. Interesting game.
Then we drove out to my cousin’s house to get Trivial Pursuit. Saw two accidents on the way there! Auntie J, G, Tadash, Hidek, Mickey, and I played. (With Uncle G replacing Tadash when he and his family left.) G would have won, but we kept giving him the sports questions, which he’s horrible at. XD
New Year’s we celebrated today, so that everyone could do whatever they wanted on the first. (Sleep in, visit the other side of the family, go out with friends, or like us, watch the Rose Parade. muahaha!)
Ozoni for breakfast, yum yum! (Forgot to bring my camera to photograph, will have to remember to do that next year.) Tadash played Wario Ware on the Wii some during breakfast, spent 20 minutes trying to get to the beginning of some video game (Okami?). Then the boys and G went off to play Axis & Allies, which I skipped ’cause I didn’t feel up to it. Ended up napping for a while to get rid of some dizziness and a tiny headache.
Most of the females were involved in food preparation for dinner, except for the three youngest. :3 We’re still kids! We can’t cook dinner! haha. But SM00 and I helped with making wonton, and Noellium went to India for a seat was helping with dishes. Also, there probably wouldn’t have been room for us in the kitchen if we had wanted to help. *shrug*
When I wasn’t napping or making wonton, I spent my time on my laptop, catching up on my Livejournal friendslist. I read through over a week’s worth of entries, woohoo!
Dinner was the usual Japanese American fare (although I noticed the lack of small fishies…nothing to bug my other cousin’s husband with *grin*) with the new addition of fried tempura tofu (iffy for me, I don’t know … maybe I would have liked it better with shoyu/soy sauce, not plum sauce). I couldn’t eat everything on my plate, again (for some reason this holiday season I’ve been really bad at judging how much I can eat, argh) so I had to leave good food behind.
After dinner I joined the boys to play Trival Pursuit, 90s edition. I don’t know if it was easier or harder than the other game, the Genus II (not Genius) edition. This time we played teams ’cause there were only four game pieces in the set. Teams: me and Hidek on one team, Mickey and Tadash on another, and G and second-oldest cousin who pretty much grew up in the 80s, so they knew lots more than we did, and they won.
Then we played Apples to Apples, which is really fun! That was the first time I’ve played it, and now I want to buy it. XD Not that I have many opportunities to play with a bunch of people at home. murrr.
I was thinking on the way home…all I’ve got are Monopoly games (about four different versions) and Scrabble. The rest of my family has other versions of Monopoly (can you tell which game we usually end up playing?), a Trivial Pursuit game (one or two editions, can’t remember which), some really old games from the 80s or so (Mastermind, anyone?) … I think we still have the Allowance Game. And Payday. But we got rid of Eat at Ralph’s. ahaha. We might have an I Love Lucy game, or we might have given it away.
Mostly we have video games. Which is all right if you’ve got only four people max for playing…
Well, since New Year’s has just passed, it’s my favorite holiday for the next few months. *grin* But I just realized, except for Easter, there’s a whole long dry spell of holidays where all my relatives get together. That’s no fun! Sometimes we celebrate Independence Day, but we haven’t done that for a few years. Mum says everyone doesn’t really want to bother, because they usually have work the day after.
So I think it’s my mission to create a pseudo-holiday for the family during the summer for us to get together. XD But I’ll only do it if I’m rich, because I don’t really want to cook so I’ll just end up buying food from some place…
Okay, I took stock of what games we have. :D Most of them are my dad’s old games from before he was married.
- Scrabble (Deluxe Edition)
- Monopoly Deluxe Edition (2 versions)
- Monopoly Peanuts
- Monopoly Star Wars: Episode One
- Monopoly I Love Lucy
- Monopoly Star Wars (one opened, one unopened…)
- Monopoly Dale Earnhardt
- Monopoly Coca-Cola
- Monopoly NASCAR?
- Monopoly Pokemon
- UCLAopoly
- Deluxe Bingo
- Jenga
- Throw-n-Go Jenga
- Uno Stacko
- The Allowance Game
- Payday
- Where in the USA Is Carmen Sandiego
- Rugrats: Turn the House Upside Down
- Clarissa Explains It All
- I Love Lucy
- The Godfather Game
- Black Box
- Hi-Q
- Master Mind
- Super Master Mind
- Twixt
- Rummikub
- Midway
- Gettysburg
- D-Day
- Fortress America
- Landslide
- Electronic Detective
- Billionaire
- Fortune 500
- VCR Quarterback Game
- 221 B Baker Street
- Clue
- Simpsons Clue
- Game of Knowledge
- Trivial Pursuit Genus
- Trivial Pursuit Genus II (’84)
- Trivial Pursuit 90s Edition
- Trivial Pursuit featuring Magic of Disney family edition (’86)
- Trivial Pursuit Silver Screen
- Trivial Pursuit All-Star Sports
- Trivial Pursuit Baby Boomer
- Trivia-Sense Cards
::is back from India::
Alllllllll right, I got my chair…I’m late, aren’t I? :P
Yeah, we ate all the wonton already! :P