may last the rest of your life

People don’t visit my blog anymore. I feel so lonely. v.v

(It really is “a big dark echoing room” now. Maybe I should stop calling it that. *ponder*)

But I must keep up my blog, if only for myself! *super pose*

I don’t remember whatall I did Saturday. Sunday I went grocery shopping with Hidek. I mention that only because I was looking for something to clean the shower with and found a Bon Ami cleaner that says on the front, Environment Friendly, no bleach or perfumes or a couple other ingredients I don’t remember. I thought, ‘Wow, Bon Ami really is my good friend!’ (Okay yes I’m an envirodork. *grin*)

I didn’t get it though, ’cause I’m too lazy to scrub the tub. >_> I’m an environmentalist up to a point. After that I’m a germophobe and I don’t wanna touch anything that’s touching something dirty. (Seriously. Germs can, like, travel around on objects, and walk onto my hand. Or … something.) So I got Lysol shower cleaner. (Kills bacteria! Woohoo! Er, at least until someone touches it again. *furtive glance* Then it’s dirty again.)

Boring diary stuff: Monday lecture then lab. In lab we had a final project that day. We pretended we were a design firm (or something) and the teacher was our client and we all had to work in teams (or departments) then split up the work (like there was advertising, then there was … I don’t remember :x in advertising we had to make a magazine ad, certificate for something or other, product logo, and a memo pad for internal company use [I don’t get it either, but meh]). I was on the advertising team and made the memo pad. ^^;; Yeah, I thought it’d be the easiest since we couldn’t know what the product was, just what the code name was (Wonder Widget), and since in my Intro to Graphic [Communication] class at the community college I went to we had to design something like that, so it wasn’t something completely new.

Every so often the teacher would send us messages over the network (like what’s the progress? and stuff). It was fun! Well, you know, if you forget the part where I thought I’d run out of time to print it out ’cause no one else had done it yet and there was 5 minutes left of class. Ahh!!

That’s one thing I didn’t learn while working over the summer. I don’t know how to work with a deadline. There was one, but it had already passed before I started working, haha, so I was pretty much just told, “Work as fast as you can so we can get the catalogue out.” Oh well.

Last night practically right before bed I planned out most of my art journal. Woo, go me. (Dare I say “Goby!”? I haven’t played Animal Crossing in the looooongest time. *tear*) I just have to get around to actually putting it together. *shifty eyes* I’ve decided on a guinea pig as my personal theme! XD I hope I can use it again next year. *furtive glance*

Today I went to lecture, then art lab. Had a critique in art lab. It’s cool, seeing everyone’s version of a project with guidelines. I also like hearing the technical explanations of why something doesn’t work, and what would make it better. XD

I asked him later to clarify what I had to do with my project. I understand it for the one I’m going to turn in, but the other one I still don’t understand what he means by “scale everything.” ._. I thought it was a pretty nicely scaled piece. He also said the columns going off into the distance are too strong (kind of why I put them in XD I just liked looking at them). I guess it’s because there’s too strong of a focal point. There’s nothing to move the piece from the back of the room around again to the front or even the middle. (But I still don’t understand the scale thing.)

Now I’m here. Need to eat dinner.

From about 1:30 (when we got out of art) to now I was stressing. meep. I felt like I had lots to do, and so little time to do it in (from that point until now, or when I have to go to art lecture), and I couldn’t do anything to change or lessen either problem. So I just didn’t do anything. *laugh* I just tried to make myself not stress.

I could have studied for art, but again I really don’t know what to study. I could read the book, but it’s really boring, and I don’t know what I’m supposed to get out of it. I find some stuff interesting, but of course it’s not what we’re supposed to be learning in the course and thusly get tested on for a grade. I looked over notes, but again I don’t know what we’re getting tested on and don’t know what to focus on and everything just goes over my head. It’s easier when it’s a technical subject, you understand how and then the quiz is easy. You don’t have to memorize stuff!

I could have written all the stuff I need for my art journal, but that would just remind me of all the work I still need to do and it would make me stress more.

I could have worked on drawing the guinea pig pictures on the computer but one: I didn’t want to turn on the computer (desktop) for such a measly amount of time, and two: I didn’t really want to get into something that I didn’ have the time for. I could do it tomorrow, I have practically the whole day and don’t need to interrupt my work to go somewhere. (Oh yeah I have to work on the pictorial space project.)

And … that’s all I really have to do. *nod* I’m currently working on validating the (X)HTML of all my websites. I didn’t want to do that either because I would just feel guilty goofing off when I have all this other stuff I need to do.

But I really should go eat dinner so I can stop stressing about that, then get ready to go to class and take the art final and come back and watch Gilmore Girls. woo!

should become castaway

“And sometimes this Blog is just a diary, or a reminder. You forget the things you were certain you would always remember, especially the tiny things, and all too often they’re the things that matter.”
Neil Gaiman, December 1, 2006

I know he said that in reference to his daughter, but dang I still love how he writes.

My teacher said in class: she’s lived in Michigan, where it snows, and when she was moving to California she thought, oh yay, the sun is always out! But it’s so cold here! Not outside, but inside. Her husband said “we have to go get sweaters!”

Hah, yeah, no one heats (public) buildings around here. >_> My mom’s even got the thermostat at home down to 66° since last winter. I never even gave that a second thought. Do other places heat to a comfortable level during the winter?

Yesterday I forgot to turn off the heater (we don’t have a thermostat) in the morning, so it was on pretty high all day until I got home at 5:30. Hidek and his friend had the windows open since they don’t know how to work the heater. -.- So I don’t have the heater on now, and I’m wearing a tank top, shirt, thermal top, sweatshirt, leggings, and sweatpants. Still a little cold though.

Wednesday night it was really cold. I think it went down to 42° while we were checking the weather. Thursday morning there was ice on my car! Only the rear window, but still! This one site Hidek’s friend checked said that average and record temperatures in SLO are more extreme than temperatures in Berkeley/Davis. O_o I understand the highs; they’re more north, so naturally it’s cooler. But the lows! How in the world can we get colder than the Bay area??? They get fog! It rains often there! We’re in what’s called the Gold Coast. (I think it’s a just marketing/tourist gimmick though.)

Last night I stayed up til 1:30 am working on my blog. XD; Moved the last of the pMachine entries to WordPress. No more pMachine floating around uselessly on my domain anymore, woohoo! Installed plugins for tags and weighted tags and for weighted categories. So now you’ll see those around.

don’t give up, the storm is passing

Gah! I can’t think! I even forgot to turn on the rice cooker 45 minutes ago. O_o I’m huuuungry now.

I have lots of little things to say that would make nice posts all on their own, but since I’m not obsessively updating the blog (not now anyway *grin*), I’m just gonna pile them all up into one post.

Went with Hidek to the gas station ($2.57), Best Buy (bought The Submarines, am listening to it now; thumbs up so far!), Borders (more later), and Staples. (On second thought, I’m going to make the Borders subject an entirely separate entry.)

I saved bunches of pics of Amy Lee and some live performances and also the latest music video, Lithium. (I wish Americans could buy Kerrang! Er, buy it easily.) I now have 1315 images of Amy Lee on my harddrive. XD; So lame.

rest your head

Thanksgiving was nice. Everyone but AJ and UG was there. Well, also Bachan. Sorry to drag the summary down. *furtive glance* It really was a nice day, I had a great time. I just had this thought early, before dinner when I saw Jichan, that Bachan wasn’t there. Silly, because she hasn’t been there for a couple Thanksgivings past. Oh well.

I was thinking of taking a picture of the (pool) table with all the food on it, but people were about to start lining up and I didn’t want to run to my room then stand there getting the picture while everyone else waited on me. :o

Oh yeah, a pic of my Japan Expo loot. Shall have to procrastinate on that.

Friday I just sat on the sofa with Mum and ate chips and dip while watching tv. XD Great fun.

Saturday went with Mum to Borders by Santa Monica Blvd. to buy stuff. I wanted to buy Monk season 2 for $20 but it turns out the sale was only for season 1. *shakes fist at Borders* In the e-mail they sent me, they had something covering the bottom of the pic of the Monk box, and they didn’t mention specifically season 1 so I thought it was for all seasons. :( Oh well. Mum got Sylvia Browne’s book on Jesus and I got Othello volume 5. I was going to get Nana volume 4 but they only had 1–3. grr.

O, I didn’t mention, that Tuesday before we came home I went to Borders and used a Personal Shopping Day to buy Inuyasha books and Nana 3. From maybe $48 to $43, ooh I really saved a lot. (End sarcasm.) But anyway. Cliffhanger in Nana 3! *cries* I want 4!!

Saturday night I talked on aim, then when Noelle and her fam came over (after a birthday party, waiting for traffic to lighten) I ate dinner (mmm, turkey soup! *grin*) and watched tv with them.

Sunday, went to Michael’s looking for paper for my art journal. Wouldn’t you know, they’re practically all sold out of any type of black paper. Went to Target with Mickey and Hidek. They took down the sign for the Wii (“Due to high demand blah blah blah we don’t have what you’re looking for.”) but they still didn’t have it.

playing catch-up (not catsup)

Quick post, since I haven’t updated in a while and I don’t want to be overwhelmed with whatall I haven’t talked about whenever I do get the time to actually write out a post nicely.

Saturday went with Mum, Hidek, and Noelle and her family to Japan Expo. X) It was fun. This year we watched a bit of dancing (last year we watched a bit of kendo [?] and the year before that we watched nothing). Mum thinks it was from the north. Interesting. I have no concept of north and south in Japan. Well maybe extreme south, like the islands or something. I just know Tokyo vs the country.

I bought lots of stuff. :o I brought my $90 of allowance that I hadn’t collected during the school quarter, and I think I left with about $20. *shifty eyed* (I’d planned a MasterCard-type post, nevermind how overplayed that is, but since I’m so brilliant [I’d planned another post with the title “how brilliant am I?” *snicker*), I brought my camera and laptop home over the weekend but forgot the cable, then brought my camera back to school and left my laptop home [I was only going to be there for two days], then I brought my camera home but I forgot the cable! So the list of all the stuff I bought will have to wait until next week.)

Afterwards we went to J-town and went to the Curry House. *drooool* I had a seafood curry. Shrimp, scallop, and squid. :o I had squid! I dunno which white lump it was, but it was all good. XD Went to the Kinokuniya there. First time there. It’s big. o_o It had Kera and most of the Gothic & Lolita Bibles (just didn’t have the first issue). I would have bought one, but I wanted to buy something at a store later (it ended up not having anything good though, boo).

Even when we were there, I was glad I didn’t live in L.A. hahaha! Yes, it’s bad enough on the Westside, traffic-wise, but it’s home. I couldn’t live in SLO. There’s nothing there. SLO and Downtown L.A.: nice places to visit, wouldn’t want to live there. (Oh wait, I technically do live in SLO.)

Um, Friday night when I drove home with Hidek, we left at 2:50 and hit traffic in Santa Barbara, then got through Ventura and hit traffic going up to Calabasas. We got home about 7:30. *was dead* I wanted to stop at the outlet mall at around 6 so I could buy dinner (I was hungry ;.;) but Hidek didn’t want me to. grrr. So to prove to him why I didn’t want to drive, and to prove to myself I could do it, I drove. I know I don’t make sense. :) When I’m angry, I’m contradictory. (And Hidek thought we were near the Getty when we were near Lost Hills. HAHAHA not on your life bub.)

I got off the 101 at Ventura Blvd. Was gonna drive down Beverly Glen (wheee!) but Hidek saw Sepulveda and asked to go there. From there I got on the 405 since it looked good and got off at Santa Monica, to Westwood, then home. My odometer read only 196.6 miles. Weird.

But Tuesday night it was really nice (except for the thick fog in Santa Maria o_o), we left at 8:15 and got home around 11ish. I was a lot less tired after that drive. XD Noooo traffic. Well except around the 101/405 interchange. But it wasn’t bad at all.

Hm. Monday went to class and lab and in lab we worked on HTML. I just halfheartedly worked at the exercise then I started reading web standards stuff. XD Which reminds me, I have to make a webpage before Monday. meep.

Tuesday, lecture lab lecture. First lecture had a quiz. Hope I did all right. *furtive glance* Lab, turned in project (for future reference, I can’t stand white matting). Uh, after that … I tried catching up on the notes I haven’t rewritten, but then I read my friends list on Livejournal and I got sidetracked ’cause someone posted a link on the Something Positive feed to funny cat pictures, which I spent about maybe 2 hours looking at and saving pictures. XD;;;

Yesterday … I didn’t really do anything. And that’s it.