backup Twitter on WordPress

I spent most of today working on a Twitter backup or archive on a WordPress installation. This was something I’d been considering since I learned people were making plugins to port their tweets to their blog. Thought I’d share my experience.

What I wanted: A simple backup of all my tweets from my account and all my favorited tweets of others.

What I kept finding: Integrate Twitter into WordPress! Widget! Cross-post! Update Twitter about new blog updates!

I was dazzled by wp-lifestream and briefly considered backing up all of my social networking accounts. That was until I saw over 500 files for the plugin queued up in my FTP program. I didn’t want a plugin that required almost as many files as the WordPress install itself! (Although someone says he’s working on cleaning up the plugin, wp-lifestream2, so I don’t know how it’ll end up.)

I wanted to try out Tweet Tweet but it requires registration at Twitter and acquiring OAuth? Too much hassle just for a simple archive. But I did really like the possibility of storing Twitter replies to me, and of archiving tables. (Not that I tweet that much, although my current 1500 WordPress entries seems a bit much for me.)

After I found these instructions how to import old Twitter favorites into WordPress, I finally decided on running the Twitter Importer plugin after using the Tweet Importer to import all of my old tweets (versus only the last 20 with Twitter Importer).

Two tips I could have used, instead of having to redo my original import:

One, set the default category to the type of tweet being imported, eg “My Tweets” versus “Favorite Tweets,” if you’d like the tweets separated into different categories.

Two, turn off allowing comments! No reason to leave myself open to spammenting on old tweets!

I’d consider this a good day’s work. Even though I didn’t get paid. (Not enough work at my job at the moment. Bah.)

2011 fall tv line-up

I haven’t updated for over three months! It’s finally happened, my job has taken over my life and become me!

It’s the last day of the month. I need to write something or go down in my archives as having not updated for three entire months. My job is still taking over most of my mind, and the rest of my mind is occupied with keeping up with social media. And yes, I will complain about that as long and loud as I can, anywhere I can.

Sadly, the one thing in my life that I can update with is tv. The boob tube is all I “think” about outside of work.

My tv premiere schedule last week consisted of:

CBS 9:00 Two and a Half Men
CBS 9:30 2 Broke Girls

FOX 8:00 Glee
FOX 9:00 New Girl
FOX 9:30 Raising Hope

ABC 10:00 Revenge

CBS 8:00 Big Bang Theory
CBS 8:30 Big Bang Theory
CBS 9:00 Person of Interest
CBS 10:00 The Mentalist

CBS 8:00 A Gifted Man

CBS 9:00 The Good Wife
ABC 10:00 Pan Am

I also watched The Lying Game on ABC Family, but it wasn’t a premiere episode.

A lot of these shows are new. I think I’ll continue watching most of them.

My thoughts of the shows: Continue reading “2011 fall tv line-up”

jCarousel Lite and Fancybox

I don’t know if the reason there is no solution to this problem to be found is because it is just that simple or because no one else has run into this problem, but I thought I’d share, for others out there like me who barely understand javascript enough to install it, but not to troubleshoot it.

In April I spent one week working to get my portfolio website up. (Aside: Despite having written it up with php includes in its first incarnation, I decided to do it slightly differently so I had to edit each page to make the changes, mainly putting more of the head stuff in my include file. x.x That’s what I spent a few days doing.)

Over the weekend I decided to bite the bullet and move from Lightbox 2 with a “Coda Slider Effect” script to Fancybox with jCarousel Lite. I was so excited, thinking I’d move from the buggy Coda Slider Effect (Sometimes the slider would choose to slide vertically instead of horizontally, and on one especially annoying page, the slider would decide to wrap one of the three divs around, so going from the second to the third slide showed a diagonal top-right to bottom-left slide.) and the slow, bulky Lightbox 2 design and animation effect that I could never tweak to my liking. jCarousel Lite would, implied by the name, be a lighter javascript file, and with Fancybox running off the jQuery library as well, I could ditch the scriptaculous and prototype files.

I installed jCarousel Lite and Fancybox and set them all up on a Friday. Spent that night and the next morning trying to make them work at all. I don’t know what I did wrong there but I did manage to eventually get them working “out of the box” as promised.

The Problem

The big problem came when I realized in Fancybox that when I had the next and previous navigation option turned on that the last image would repeat. I’d get to what I thought was the last image but there was still an arrow pointing to another image, which would just lead to a repeat of the same image. When I first clicked the last image and navigated to the first image, the same problem would occur, but in reverse. (That is, the first image would repeat.)

I combed the Fancybox support area. I tried using search engines to find a solution. jCarouselLite had no support area (not that it needs one, it’s so simple). I tried using a number of different searches, different words (“repeat,” “same image,” “duplicate image,” the list goes on). But no one else seemed to use the two scripts together, or to have the same problem I did.

Then, after letting my brain rest (staying up to four in the morning to fix javascript problems is a bad idea, I know, but it’s like scratching that itch you can’t reach!) I remembered that one function of the Carousel: to wrap around in an endless loop.

The Solution

I don’t know how jCarousel makes it work, and perhaps I could have skipped my javascript headaches weekend by just using jCarousel, but I liked the simplicity of the Lite script.

jCarousel Lite, in order to create that circular loop of images (or whatever content used) needs to make a duplicate of the first div. I just turned off the circular option, since I chose to use the external controls over the left and right navigation arrows.

That one little switch, and oh my gosh everything fell so nicely into place once I turned it off! The three days (or maybe two, if you don’t count the time I spent just trying to make the scripts work in the first place) I spent wracking my brains were over just like that!

Javascript, I don’t understand you, therefore I hate you.

Weenie Roasts of yore

The line-up for KROQ’s summer concert, Weenie Roast, was announced earlier this month. I’ve wanted to go to Weenie Roast before, and even managed to watch it once.

But this year… This year I actually have a source of income (small as it may be), and yet I don’t want to go. First of all it’s because I’m only interested in The Strokes of all the twelve bands, and only somewhat interested. (I’ve never heard of over half those bands, which probably goes to show how little I listen to KROQ nowadays.)

Secondly, I realized… I’m just different. There is a palpable change in my personality, oh my gosh! I’m getting old, I change less and less every year, compared to the years in my childhood, so it’s fascinating to me when I notice a change.

From the 2004 line-up, the bands I wanted to see and my current opinion: The Strokes – meh; Bad Religion – nope; Yeah Yeah Yeahs – maybe; Velvet Revolver – ew no; Yellowcard – nope; New Found Glory – nope; Modest Mouse – maybe; and The Killers – yeah right.

2005: Hot Hot Heat – nope; Interpol – nope; Jimmy Eat World – I only really liked Bleed American their self-titled album; The Killers!! – (exclamation points from original entry, hahaha!) nope; My Chemical Romance – no way in hell; MXPX – I don’t even remember who this band is; Queens otSA – maybe, but I haven’t listened to anything but Songs for the Deaf; Alkaline Trio – nope; The Bravery – nope.

Anyway. I didn’t say much in this entry. My music tastes have changed, big woop. But a slight change from 2004, I might be willing now to go see a live musical performance. I’ve seen Celtic Woman a number of times, “dragged” there by my brother, and if I got a seat far back enough from the stage maybe the volume won’t hurt my ears.

The only rock band I have any interest in seeing perform live though is Muse. I think they’re in L.A. this summer? I keep seeing ads on Facebook for tickets. But no one else I know is into Muse, so I’d be going alone, which would never happen.

accepting Born This Way

My first exposure to Lady Gaga’s song, Born This Way, was on the Grammy’s this year. Back then it bored me and I completely tuned it out. I’m not a “little monster” or a big Gaga fan. I plan on buying a couple of her songs, but for the most part I don’t follow her. I’m pretty neutral about her, so my not liking the song wasn’t a big deal.

But last week Al Yankovic released a parody, Perform This Way. I read his account of the whole ordeal, jumping through hoops to end up getting turned down. (And ultimately okayed.) I gave his song a listen and actually ended up liking it!

Weird Al’s explanation that he planned to donate all sales to the Human Rights Campaign because the original “was such an earnest human rights anthem” also got me more intrigued in Lady Gaga’s song. ‘An anthem?’ I thought. ‘I don’t remember hearing that in the lyrics.’ (That I totally didn’t listen to.)

In a weird coincidence, this week on Glee they performed Born This Way. I really enjoyed their rendition of it too. (It was such a fun episode! And yay, Kurt’s back!!)

I couldn’t figure out where the disconnect came for me. Usually I don’t like songs on first hearing them (Selena Gomez? *grin*) (mostly because I have to be in the right mood to listen to different types of music, but that’s not important) but I never completely write them off and consider them a waste of my time.

Today I went back to view the performance at the Grammy’s, the only time I had ever heard Gaga singing the song. I have to say, I don’t know if it was done on purpose, but the sound mixing was horrible. I could barely hear Gaga’s voice. The times I did hear her though, she didn’t sound all that great. I have seen other live performances of hers, and she’d never sounded that bad to me. But then that might be because she wasn’t dancing around the stage so much like at the Grammy’s. She had more energy to devote to singing.

Finally, finally, I watched her music video with her studio recording, and it sounded like Lady Gaga to me. Yay! Don’t know that I’ll buy the song though. But Weird Al’s and Glee’s versions are definitely on my to-buy list!