(I am so lazy, I’m writing this a few weeks too late.)
I’ve watched Dancing with the Stars since the season that Marie Osmond was on (researching on Wikipedia, it was season 5, fall 2007) although I’ve never actually watched an entire season. I just watch the occasional episde because I don’t like the anticipation and drama of reality shows. (“Just get it over with,” I always scream in my head.)
I saw Marie Osmond (by the time she had her hyperventilating/fainting episode I’d already tuned out) and I saw Sabrina Bryan absolutely robbed (I still think she should have won ;P). I skipped watching Kristi Yamaguchi’s season, opting to focus on schoolwork and figuring she was already the winner before the show started anyway.
I didn’t tune in again until after I graduated college and was back home where my brother regularly watched the show. His watching made it easier for me to remember to watch, and it made my viewing in general much easier, because I could walk in and out of his room when I was interested or not.
Fall of 2009 I rooted for Kelly Osbourne, the next season it was Niecy Nash. Fall of 2010 I really tried to see the whole season, but after Margarte Cho left I got bored, and Brandy wasn’t enough of a draw for me. Although I do think Jennifer Grey won the season after the first episode, I also think it was completely unfair for Brandy to get kicked off over Bristol Palin?! I still regret not watching and supporting Brandy more.
When the list of stars for the current season was released, and everyone was calling it Dancing with the Lesser Known Stars, I have to say I wasn’t really interested. But after listening to Kevin & Bean on KROQ in the morning while lying in bed, and I realized this Mike Catherwood was the host Psycho Mike, I suddenly became much more amused (and interested).
I sat down and watched the few dancers I was interested in for the first two weeks, even going so far as to register on abc.com in order to vote for Mike (and Kirstie, and Ralph). After all the hassle of registering (tried 3 or 4 times before it worked -_-) I was really disappointed Mike was voted off.
I didn’t vote for him as a joke. I honestly wanted to see if he could improve his dancing. “He had two weeks,” my brother told me. But still! I wanted to see more of him!
As Kevin and/or Bean said, though, “At least now we don’t have to watch the show.” I looked forward to hearing their remarks about it the day after the results show, but they really are too negative for my tastes. Now I can go back to rooting for the standards. Go Ralph!! (I really should log on and vote for him. I’ve had two weeks to get over my disappointment. ;P)
In conclusion, I find it hilarious that KROQ, a rock radio station, was my impetus to finally register to vote on Dancing with the Stars after all these years.