Argh, I’m losing faith in fanlistings. -.- Firstly, the first fanlisting I ever [attempted to] join was one for Léon (aka The Professional), but then I noticed that the last updated date was not the same as the last date on her updates list (go check it out, you’ll see), and I realized she used a current date script for the last update thing. -.-;;;; Her site’s on hiatus, as well. For the looongest time.
The next one, The Cardigans. >( ARGH. I don’t know if her join form for that fanlisting is broken or what, but I know there’s someone else who joined (she joined my Gran Turismo fanlisting as well ^^) that wasn’t added. Plus, on her blog, she updates like once every month or so. >_< *sniffles*
Then the fanlisting for Amy Lee, I’m not po’ed about that one. She’s been rebuilding her site since the middle of June and before. Yupyup. But for some reason it doesn’t matter to me. That fanlisting hasn’t been updated since the end of May. ^.^; Then the fanlisting for Eat Drink Man Woman. I’m rather sad that hasn’t been updated since March. :( But she said that people don’t join, so it doesn’t really matter. Even though it means I haven’t been added to the members list. ^_^;; I don’t really mind. It’s just that she’s on the troubles list now for not updating. T-T
My Song isn’t a fanlisting, it’s a clique, but still, she said she’d update pretty much last week, and yet … nothing. It’s a really big clique though. o.o And I’ve got my luverly code up, so I don’t mind much. ^^
The last fanlisting I joined (umm … that I haven’t been added to) is the Yoshi fanlisting. :( She updated, but I wasn’t added to the list. I dunno why. I was gonna rejoin, but then the join form is closed. >.<!! Today I joined another clique, “we’re all a little fragile.” It looks like she updates at least twice a month. But watch, with my luck, something’ll come up so she doesn’t update for a while.
I’m not kidding. There were so many fanlistings I joined that weren’t updated for a loong while after. The Beatles fanlisting, Audrey Hepburn, guinea pigs (but it came back up ^_^), Gregory Smith, Snoopy, Evanescence … which reminds me. I joined the Gordo fanlisting, but it went down (her server went down and she lost all her files), and then I decided I wasn’t that big of a fan, so I took the code down. ^.^;; I should change that.
Oh well. I’m bored. I feel like putting this here. :)
Seven Things That Make You Laugh
1. MTV muting out words XP
2. Hidek (why yes, he is a thing)
3. Why Girls are Weird by Pamela Ribon
4. me (don’t ask …)
5. Tadash (he’s not a thing yet)
6. Good Charlotte
7. Peanuts
Seven Things You Love
1. Matt (he’s not a thing …)
2. God (… it’s up in the air, folks)
3. family (“family” is technically a thing … :b)
4. Snoopy
5. California
6. home
7. books
Seven Things You Hate
1. I don’t really hate anything …
2. really I don’t
3. honestly
4. don’t you believe me?
5. really truly
6. not one thing
7. okay maybe I don’t like it when my laptop freezes or when PSP closes
Seven Things On Your Desk
1. laptop
2. headphones
3. Pure Vanilla Extract bottle :b
4. camera (film kind and digital kind)
5. that Japanese racket/board thingie (watch Ikyuusan, you’ll know what I mean)
6. Bible
7. Emmerdale CD
Seven Facts About You
1. umm … I’m not even 5′ tall
2. breakfast often makes me sick
3. sometimes I can’t seem to throw out things *stares at her “Pink Anger” drawing*
4. I am not independent
5. my hair is once again down to my elbow (maybe a bit longer)
6. if I ever get my hair professionally cut, I want it to look like Yulia’s (when it was longish) or that wannabe-pilot lady in The Last Emperor
7. I am no one special, but I am not average
Top 7 Songs People Should Give A Listen
1. Nina Persson – Angel of Sadness (’tis playing now :B)
2. Nina Persson – The Oddness of the Lord (it’s just … weird)
3. Lisa Loeb – Snow Day
4. The Cardigans – Hold Me
5. Chevelle – Forfeit
6. Matchbox Twenty – All I Need
7. Smile Empty Soul – Bottom of a Bottle
Seven Famous People You Want to Meet
1. Rosa Parks
2. Natalie Portman
3. Gregory Smith
4. Hal Fishman (ha ha ha …)
5. I dunno
6. I dunno
7. Nina Persson?
Top 7 Things You Say The Most
1. I dunno
2. I’m not okay (this guy on Perilous Plunge heard me say that, I think >.>;;;;;;)
3. Okay
4. What? (other person) What? (other person) What? (other person) What? (other person) What? *grin*
5. –
6. –
7. –
Woo, wasn’t that a blast.