Greymatter, site thoughts, and annoyances

All right, it’s official. Greymatter is a pain in the … neck. Yeah…. *ahem* Put Noelle’s Tomoe layout on my archives and entries pages. :D Hehe. But it’s taking so long to rebuild the files … -_- So I might move to a Linux server. $5 cheaper. But that won’t be until the middle of December, unless I want to lose the money I spent on this year’s hosting. And I don’t. The only drawback there is I might have to contact support to get other ftp users to work. And I don’t like contacting people. ^^;;; Plus, it’s the little teeny tiny things. I don’t know why, I just like Windows servers more. They seem a bit smoother, somehow.

Or I could pay for Diaryland (which I want to do anyway), and link it from here. I’d get to use the private/public entry feature. :D

But I don’t know. That seems like a hassle. I’m not sure what I’m going to do.

Today I played The Sims, which all went to pot because I ended up getting the family in a bad sleeping cycle (imitating life, I see ^^;) and got one person fired. Yesterday … no, Friday, the day I started playing with that family, I spent almost $11,000 in two hours. o.o I also lost about $5,000 because I forgot to install a burglar alarm. ¬.¬

Right now I’ve got this song stuck in my head, Red Hot Chili Peppers’ “Other Side.” Mainly just the “How long, how loOong, Separate my side I don’t, I don’t believe it’s baAad” part. ^^;; Last night I had Good Charlotte’s “Girls and Boys” stuck in my head. “Girls! Don’t! Like! Boys! Girls! Like! Cars and moneEeEey!” :b

tv, Wedding Banquet; reading; The Sims!

Today was a television day. ^^;;; I didn’t intend to do that, though.

Last night before I went to bed I was attracted by my Barnes & Noble bags. ^^; Pulled out Why Girls are Weird. Seriously, I don’t think I’ve ever laughed that much reading a book. I mean, they weren’t rip-roaring, huge guffaws. But a slow, steady, stream of laughter. I reeeeally like that book. :D I read like the first 20 or 30 pages then. >.>

Today I woke up so tired, I couldn’t concentrate on reading like I wanted. I watched a lot of IFC. One movie ended (in fact they played the Box Scores just a little while after I started watching). Played a short film afterwards. Wow, it was interesting. o_o Hidek walked by and saw the screen and asked, “What are you watching?!” Baptism of Solitude, it was. Paul Bowles. Very cool. Never heard of him before, but still cool.

The Wedding Banquet started playing in the next time slot, so I watched that for 109 minutes. Yeah. I don’t see how that’s a comedy. O_o But still good. I noticed that the parts where they spoke English, I had to pay more attention than when I read the captions. ^^;;

After that went downstairs and ate leftovers of dinner last night. Daddy started watching Mr. Deeds. He left to get Jichan’s steel cabinet, so I watched it. Why? I have absolutely no idea. I guess it’s refreshing to see Adam Sandler in a rather clean movie. ^^;; Tried watching MTV2, MTV Hits, VH1, and VH1 Classic again, as I usually do. Settled for Topsy Turvy. The attempts at being Japanese cracked me up. ^_^;;;

Played The Sims after. Started playing with the Goth family. Failing miserably. -_-

Watched The Adventures of Pete and Pete with Mickey. I didn’t mean to. I just sat on the sofa and opened my book, but every time I got caught up in the episode. ^.^;;

Some time during the day I felt so tired that I just laid down on the floor and closed my eyes. I thought, ‘Hm, like The Sim— O_O’ x.x; And I haven’t really been playing all that much, either. Just maybe a couple hours every day. Not anything like Animal Crossing. x.x Although I don’t remember much from that period. ^^;;;

Trying to find the little quote thing that showed up at the beginning of Baptism of Solitude. I have no idea what I’m looking for, though, so … X( Pointless. Found this though. I like it. :D

“Because we don’t know when we will die, we get to think of life as an inexhaustable well. Yet everything happens only a certain number of times, and a very small number really. How many more times will you remember a certain afternoon of your childhood, some afternoon that is so deeply part of your being that you can’t even conceive of your life without it. Perhaps four or five times more, perhaps not even that. How many more times will you watch the full moon rise? Perhaps 20. And yet it all seems limitless.”
–Paul Bowles, from The Sheltering Sky

layouts, games, and book shopping

Ummm … *is in the middle of changing the layout* Lookie, mah birthday prezzie from Noelle. :D:D:D:D So cool! Pun not intended. ^^;;; Kawaii kitty, no?

Oh yeah, the Japanese reminds me. When we were coming home there was a commercial on the radio for some new store. This isn’t the whole name, just the part I remember. :b I heard them say “The Shishi Store.” I was sitting there thinking I must have heard it wrong, and then Daddy said, “Did they just say The Shishi Store?” ^_^;;;;;; So hah! I didn’t imagine it! XP And uhh … I don’t wanna explain. >.>; *moves along*

Today I followed Mickey to his room and asked if I could play with the GCN. We played Tetris Worlds. :D Weird setup, though … it’s kind of like, how far can you stray from the simple game of stacking tetraminos while still stacking tetraminos? And for some reason, I kept landing blocks one space off from where I meant them to go. >.< Annoying. He kept goading me. ^^;;; I’m not very good at Tetris anymore … *sniffles* I was always two or so levels behind him. Pooh.

After we played two or three neverending games @_@ (Mickey: When does this end? Me: Now. *quits*) we played The Sims. Bwahaha, I’m one level higher than he is in our house. >b He kept poking fun at me because of my bathroom though. >.> (Mickey: Who has the cleaner bathroom? Me: At least I don’t have flies flying around my toilet! Mickey: Those are your pet flies. They’re by your room. Me: Yeah well at least my bathroom doesn’t stink.)

Went to Barnes and Noble. *.* Their manga/comic section can look pretty nice when it’s cleaned up. Of course, it’s still only two shelves worth of space, but better than nothing. Everything was all out of order. I would have straightened it out (my fingers were just itching to put everything in order), but I was carrying food from Tony Roma’s, and plastic is loud when other people are reading. o.o

Got this one manga, forget what it’s called, read about it in my Waldenbooks e-mail thingimabobber. It’s “controversial.” :b Also got Kare Kano 3 (dunno why, not that into the series), Neil Gaiman’s Smoke and Mirrors (waiii!), Why Girls Are Weird (about this girl who posts made-up diary entries online, and what happens because of it o.O), aaaand … The Art of Charles Schultz. w00t! XD $25. o_o But it’s Charles Schuuultz! It has his older comics and stuff. Mommy says they’re not as funny. But they’re cute. Yup! ^-^

I spent, in total, $81.11. ._. Okay, new rule. No wandering around bookstores after I’ve got two or three or four books! x_x

Spent the rest of the night working on my First Band on the Moon fanlisting. Woo! :D I was working on the Other Side of the Moon fanlisting, but then I got tired of coding/writing, so I went to look at Noelle’s present. X) And it led me here. Muahaha.

I changed the coding a bit, though. Put the entries in a div tag, instead of in an inline frame. (Used frames for L.S layout, don’t wanna do that again any time soon. x_x)

Oh yeah. :D New layout at Literal Scars. Woo! Dunno how good it is though. I always tend to like my really not-so-normal stuff, and then it turns out that there’s something wrong with it. :( Oh well. Poem! (on the layout) “I need to have loved you. I need to have told you so.” Whyyy can’t I write like that?

Oh yeah. Went to this person’s writing site. I like her poems. ^^; All three she’s got up there. Especially the first one. ^^ Kind of makes me want to create my own writing site (one separate from my art). But I don’t have nearly enough of anything for it.

Anyway, anyway … now on to fixing up the tagboard for the layout. And after that I think I’ll leave the OSOTM fanlisting for when I wake up.

Animatrix, the New Tetris, and the Sims

Stayed up til 2:30 last night watching The Animatrix. Gehehe. I loved the animation. ^__^ But I didn’t get much of the stories. Partly because I had the volume turned down low, and partly because I haven’t seen the Matrix movies. ^^;;;

“The Final Flight of the Osiris” used computer animation, like the Final Fantasy movie. And “Kid’s Play” used animation that’s quite different. Looks sketchy, or like they left the pencil marks in, or … I dunno. I rather liked it. I don’t really remember the rest. ^^;;;

Today I spent almost an hour playing The New Tetris. ^___^ Except I really stink at Tetris lately. ¬_¬ First game I got like 400 lines, second I forget, 460? And third I was just trying to get our needed lines below 65,000, so I just got 270. x_x Augh.

Hidek played The Sims on the Gamecube with my neighbor. He was “Ozzy” and Hidek was “Dude.” My neighbor said, “Don’t put their rooms right next to each other, that’s gay!” o_o;;; When I went into his room again, Hidek said, “See how lazy he [neighbor] is? He’s got doors going directly from his bedroom to the bathroom, the kitchen, and the living room!” Hahaha. And my neighbor walked into the bathroom while Hidek was on the toilet >.> so Hidek walked in on him when he was in the bath, saying, “At least when you’re in the bathtub you won’t get out.” :b is down. :( I’m left out in the cold! Wahhh!!! *ahem* >.>;; It’s one less thing that I could be doing. Of course, I could be working on Elsewhere (for some reason I just stopped), SMCasmin (I worked on it a bit yesterday; I have one section written, and the beginning of another), or Midnight Rendezvous (I’m thinking about just making it generally about books; anything I want to put up there concerning me and books). But no, of course not. I made another livejournal for myself for quizzes and surveys. ^^;;; I dunno why. I don’t know if I’ll even use it for that long. I don’t even know how to change colors or anything. :( But it’s here, anyway.