C: Does this show have Gambit?
me: No. What does he do?
C: He blows stuff up.
me: … How does he do that?
C: I don’t know. It’s cool.
me: How is blowing yourself up cool?
C: What? He blows stuff up.
me: Ohh, I thought you said he blows himself up.
C: That would be pretty cool, too.
We have a violent generation, don’t we?
O.o Straaange boy…
Yes, yes we do.
But still. How would you work out blowing yourself up? ^^;; You could only do it once, no?
Regeneration. Thats how Cell did it in DBZ.
Yeah. He can regenerate if a nucleaus in his head remains intact no matter what.
I remember that. That was disgusting. But it’d take a while to use the power over again.
It didn’t Cell that long. Just ask poor Trunky.
It’s still not instantaneous.
It was only a few minutes later, really. And some of that time went to finding where Earth was.
And if he’d missed, the enemy could have succeeded in their evil scheme in those few minutes.
Cell is the bad guy. And he was the 2nd most powerful fighter at the time.
I mean someone with that power.
Then they could be like Buu. Buu can regenerate even if there is a SINGLE PIECE OF HIM LEFT (and I mean anything). Not to mention infinite stamina.
Buu! *^^*
I likies Buu. ^^
You like that giant ball of taffy?
The one with the puppy and the one who made his own house and remembered to take a bath, yes.
Do you know he killed 80% of the world in one day and is a demon?
Well they called him a monster. And no, I didn’t know that. I don’t watch that much DBZ. ^^;
The dubbed once called Death the “next dimension”