I didn’t vote this election. I feel so bad. But I wasn’t at home today, or even the weekend before last, which is when my family went to vote touchscreen. This is the first election where I haven’t voted!! It’s a blot on my good record! (Well okay I missed a local election for my city which I didn’t know about, but I wasn’t there for that election either, and no one outside of the city would really care about the outcome anyway. *grin*)
I didn’t go the absentee ballot route because when I was home the October 13 weekend, my family still hadn’t received our sample ballots, and I had no idea how else to get an absentee ballot any other way. Other than um, going down to some L.A. County office and proving who I am and the whole shebang. Even if I could have found a way to get one, I didn’t really feel like checking the mail every day (we only look in the mailbox once or twice a month; and by “we” I mean my brother or his friend), nor did I feel like having to get to the post office and sending it back through the mail.
So now I guess I don’t have a right to complain about Schwarzeneggar still being the governator. *grin* I don’t know. I guess I’m just ignorant, but I didn’t think he did that bad of a job. Better than Gray Davis anyway. *furtive glance* Plus, I definitely probably maybe wouldn’t have liked Angelides any better than Arnold. Yes, he’s democrat, but he was destroying wetlands! (/End propaganda.) Mum also said something or other about him not thinking about some group or other, maybe involving businesses and taxes or something. Whatever. I voted for Steve Westly anyway. grrrs.
My brother keeps bringing up the fact that when I graduate college I’ll have Arnold’s signature on my diploma. Oh yeah, that’s a great reason to elect him as head of California.
It can’t be helped if those were the circumstances. At least it’s not like you purposely missed voting and didn’t bother doing it. So don’t feel too bad ;)
Thanks, Genevieve. ^^ Makes me feel a little better.
Atleast Rumsfield is gone