Netscape 6 is annoying the Holy Spirit out of me, I’m angry, and mad, and short-tempered, and about to light this thing with a can of gas. Ehh, too lazy to get the gas. ^_^;;
It won’t edit my bookmarks correctly! I grab a bookmark and drag it to where I want it (and it has to be in a specific spot, or else it’s moved to the top of the folder ¬_¬) then it disappears! I have to close the window and open it again for it to appear. And with how slow this thing goes, I’m not about to start organizing my bookmarks any time soon.
I forget where/who/what said, but I’m allowed to write in my complaints (“suggestions”) to make this thing better. But I’m not sure if I’m allowed only one e-mail or something, so I’m holding back. ^.^ Ehehe …