I watched Life as a House today (missed the first 10/15 minutes of it).
Hayden Christensen can be kinda cute. *^^* But then again, I’m always for wearing black. :b So … rather contrived story, yeah, and the acting wasn’t mindblowing, (and that family and Josh … o_o what was up with them? ESPECIALLY the girl!), but it was just fun to see Hayden Christensen not being a whiny Jedi apprentice.
Once I watched … uhh, what was it called? Higher Ground. I watched an episode of that. I had no idea which character he was. @_@ But I saw Jewel Staite in it, heehee! And she was all … dressed in black. Well, in that episode, she wasn’t, but then they showed certain shots (from the past?) where she was, and I thought, ‘Cool!’ But then I never remembered to watch it again, and it disappeared anyway. T-T
Jewel Staite never seems to stay on a show very long. Space Cases, Flash Forward, Higher Ground, and Firefly (I saw one episode of that XD). Oh well.
You know, looking at this pic of Hayden with his natural hair color (on imdb.com, I didn’t go searching for it or anything), I’d have to say that I reeeeally like him with black hair more. :b But I looove black hair. Or really dark brown hair. Hehehe … ^.^;;