Hm. How interesting. I left my laptop to eat dinner, and when I came back the screen was black, as that’s the screensaver I prefer. I touch the touchpad and the screen switches to a lighter shade of black. Yupyup. It meant my screen went blank. So I took out the battery and unplugged the ac adapter. As I unplugged it my laptop went “MEEEEEEW!” in a high-pitched tone, fading away at the end. O.o Is my laptop trying to talk to me again? (One time Daddy was trying to print something from my laptop and it said something like, “The printer cannot be found” even though I had the sound turned off. o.o) But anyway. Isn’t it stupid that my screen goes blank when I’m not even using it? >_< Grrrr.
Today went to Burger King with Mommy and got frozen floats. Woo, yummy! :D It’s half Icee and half ice cream. A real float. XD And it’s yummyy!! It costs $1.59 though. x_x
Also ordered from Amazon tonight. Finally! I got The Cardigans’ You’re the Storm single with Hold Me on it, yaay!, Flower Drum Song by C. Y. Lee, Veronika Decides to Die by Paulo Coehlo, Chobits vol. 7, and “Prelude and Nocturnes” (Sandman book 1). w00t. :D Yes, I seem a bit obsessed with Neil Gaiman, don’t I? Fuuun. ^-^
*ahem* Yeah. Site stuff: I am stuck on what else to write for SMC. o_o I’ve got “background,” “Christ,” and “personality.” Not much in personality, either. -.- Ahaha! Uhh … yeah. I do mean the section I’m writing, not me. :b I don’t know what else to write about. It’s been such a long time since I started this remake that I forgot all the sections I wanted to do. ^^;;;
Concerning the IAT layout: trying to figure out why the placement of things changes when the size of the browser window changes. O_o And also, as soon as I get around to it, I’ll put up a new layout here. ^^;; I feel like making a traditional blog layout complete with sidebar and such. Go me. :b
Now to close this, a poem Neil Gaiman wrote entitled (I assume), “Reading the Entrails: A Rondel”
They’ll call it chance, or luck, or call it Fate—
The cards and stars that tumble as they will.
Tomorrow manifests and brings the bill
For every kiss and kill, the small and great.
You want to know the future, love? Then wait:
I’ll answer your impatient questions. Still—
They’ll call it chance, or luck, or call it Fate,
The cards and stars that tumble as they will.I’ll come to you tonight, dear, when it’s late,
You will not see me; you may feel a chill.
I’ll wait until you sleep, then take my fill,
And that will be your future on a plate.
They’ll call it chance, or luck, or call it Fate.
I think its time to learn the sad truth about your life.
Your computer was a cat in a previous lifetime.
Weird. Never heard of that.
Your laptop actually talked to you? (if you were surprised that it said something, even though the volume was off, I’m assuming it literally said something ^^;;)
And Noelle was Marlyn Monroe in her previous life.
Adam was Elvis.
Actually no. I was first Amanda and then earlier I was a Japanese Princess
No, Adam is Marylin Manson. Adam, happy now? You get to be a hard rocker.
Uhh, no. SM00.
O_o;; How was I Marilyn Monroe?
I rather be Slash myself.