Reflecting national opinion polls, the sale of Bush and Kerry masks is evenly divided.
“It’s a tie, hard to say who is ahead,” Peterson [store manager] said.
But a costume company that has tracked national sales of candidates’ masks in previous election has Bush leading Kerry 54 to 46 percent.
The company,, tracked the sales of 12 stores and five mask makers in the United States.
In 2000, Bush masks led Democratic vice president Al Gore’s masks 57 to 43 percent. Four years earlier, President Bill Clinton masks outsold those of Republican Bob Dole 56 to 44 percent. Ronald Reagan masks were ahead of then president Jimmy Carter masks in the 1980 election.
Darn. :b And Sylvia Browne keeps saying Bush is going to win, although she hopes she’s wrong (because she’s human and therefore not perfect … about the wrong part, not about the hoping Bush doesn’t win part).
Why? I don’t doubt it, I’m just wondering why.
Both are losers
Yes. Why?
Both are politicians.. thus are automatic losers
Looks like Brown was correct
Ahh … so by default Arnold Schwarzeneggar should be good? :b (Not that I have many complaints about him as governor …)
I bet she feels horrible about it too.
Hey atleast Arnold supports Stem Cell… that makes him better then Bush. Of course actors are still crappy.