Ahh! I haven’t updated here in a while. >.> School is getting to me. Two and a half weeks left of the quarter!
List of stuff I want to do:
- register a domain and transfer (or copy some) stuff from Elsewhere to there, so I can add it in my resume
(I want to show that I know webdesign (somewhat) but I don’t exactly feel like including my personal domains in something I’m giving to potential employers >_>) - ✓ make a [fanlisting for a Japanese movie (link to Rajio no Jikan fl)] I saw recently
- ✓ make a new layout for fsnet and also smcasmin
- ✓ go home, be done with classes!!
- ✓ be done with writing my lab reports
(I don’t want to write them, I want to be done with writing them. ;b) - ✓ sign a lease for an apartment! o_o I need a place to stay next year where I won’t be imposing on my aunt and uncle!