fsgirl and more car problems

… I need a new layout up here. But I feel guilty when I think about taking this layout down. It’s like the girl I drew there IS flimsysilence. She’s the mascot. I can’t remover her!!

Just had a thought. I’ll stick her image up on the domain info page. Yeah. Good idea.


Um. I walked up three flights of stairs today twice. Why? First time to study. (For some reason I just really don’t like the idea of being someplace where it’s more crowded. Even at my last college, sometimes I didn’t like sitting at the desks because there were so many people around me.) Second time because I finished my midterm a lot sooner than I thought, and I had a lot of free time so I went to read Carrie. (I’m up to the big scary finale! *grin*)

On the way home my check engine light went on. Found out I haven’t had an oil change for 5000 miles. I guess I just forgot over the summer. >_> I remember being at 28000 miles! Why didn’t I remember to change the oil?!?! Grarr!! So I called the nearest Dodge dealership and I have to take my car in tomorrow as early as possible. Hoping I get my car back in time to get to class on Monday! Hoping I get my car back at all… (reference: see “car problems” entry)

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