and L.A. goes on

I can’t believe Hal Fishman is dead. I can’t even write a nicely worded post for him. He’s just … gone. A part of L.A. has died.

I remember when Larry McCormick died, but this … is so much worse. Hal was always on the news! (Er, during the weekdays … when he wasn’t on vacation.) I never watched anyone else regularly like I did with him. I’ve watched the news since … elementary school, the 90s.

Mum worries what the news will be like without him. :( He had such integrity, she said, and no one else has all his experience. (Yeah, don’t know many newscasters that have been around since the 1960s, they’re all in their 30s and 40s, maybe 50s, now.)

It may be lame, but I sort of want a DVD collection of all his commentaries. XD; He’s just a newscaster, not a celebrity, but I want to be able to watch him again. How can he not be here?? :(

eta@5:56pm: I found out from the KTLA Prime News Tuesday broadcast that Hal Fishman was in Germany when the wall went up in 1960, for KCOP. dood, I didn’t even recognize him in the footage! o.o

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