Ahh, January 20, 2009. Two great things occured on that day: one was the design day of International Print Week at Cal Poly, and the other was Barack Obama’s inauguration!
The speakers at Print Week that day were a guy from Adobe who demonstrated Adobe CS4’s shiny new functions (and made me covet. and drool a little, yes), a woman from Williams-Sonoma talking about a product line design relaunch, and a guy (CEO?) from a flexo printer.
I didn’t win the raffle for CS4. Not that I expected to, but how fun would that have been, huh? The guy showed … I don’t really remember. He covered Reader and Acrobat, Bridge, Photoshop, a little bit of InDesign, and Fireworks. He also showed us easter eggs in Photoshop. Man, I had no idea Adobe people were geeks like that. Or that programs had easter eggs! Basically, he made me want CS4 (Design Premium package) more than before, and got me interested in playing with Fireworks. Now where to come up with the money…
The product redesign presentation was interesting. I had no idea all that work goes into it, or that it takes that long. (13 months?!) Also further cemented the idea that I don’t want to be a project manager.
The flexo guy went off the cuff, no Powerpoint/Keynote presentation. He covered different things like going green, saving money, going green and saving money, what he’s looking for in interviewees, web 2.0 and technology, lots of stuff. (Interesting point he brought up: to encourage companies to go green, tell them it will save money in the long run. *grin*)
Okay now, in between the speakers, from 9–9:45 am, a live broadcast of the inauguration ceremony was piped in and we got to watch Barack Obama become the next president! Yeah! So cool. It was so much fun to watch it in a room of 50 people or so. There was clapping, there were tears, much elation. I felt like jumping up and cheering while dancing. But of course I didn’t. *snerk*
All in all, much better than if I had watched it here on my tiny tv all alone. Eee!
Wikipedia has a list of Photoshop’s previous easter eggs. :3
Whoa…I feel weird now…I was half asleep during the inauguration, BUT butbutbut I did dream about it! (Uhh…actually it was more about some news anchors the day after commenting on the decorations and the background….)
How cool! Never thought to look up Photoshop on Wikipedia.
Oh, the inauguration was pretty much like any other inauguration before it … I was mostly really excited about being in a room with so many other people who cared enough to watch it. :D
Funny, I had a dream about it too! It was a scary not-so-nice dream though. :(