Two’s Day

I barely remembered I wanted to post here today! 2day! Hur hur. Happy Two’s Day! 2-22-22. Or as a palindrome, with the day first, 22-02-2022. hah

I didn’t do anything special today. Work. Take-out Tuesday (not tacos :( ). And they forgot part of our order so we had to drive over there to pick up the missing piece. It was dessert, it was decent. The rest of the meal was really good, I’d go back. Or at least dine inside, when I feel safe not wearing a mask around other people.

(Oh gosh is that my first mention of covid on my rarely-updated blog?)

I don’t know what else to write. hahahaa…

leaping over February this year

Oh gosh, I managed to do it again, not updating for over a month. At least I have a better excuse, because even though it’s a leap year, February still has fewer days than other months! February was also a busy month at work, not only were we finishing up the busy season but we had to put everything together for a big expo as well.

I also spent my extra day of the year very well, I think, at Disneyland’s One More Disney Day. Twenty-four hours straight of Disneyland! Woo! March 1st I spent in front of the tv, trying to recuperate.

Hopefully this won’t be my post of the month, because I do have ideas for blog entries, I just lack the time to formulate my thoughts and type them up here!

so this is Christmas

I’ve heard that this time of season is the most depressing for a lot of people, and while I believed it, I’ve never had a bad time during December. That is, until now. Can I list all the things that were wrong?

I was partly sick from Thanksgiving to maybe a week ago. Mostly it was a middling coughy and phlegmy sickness, not the normal sickness of runny nose/sore throat/inflamed inner ears that I have every year. But still very annoying and I couldn’t do much all those days I wasn’t feeling well. (Barely managed to play with my cousin’s dogs while she was on vacation.)

My brother’s cat kept biting me. (I’ve been trimming her claws lately so she can’t scratch, but she’s decided to use her teeth instead. Argh.) That resulted in a swollen right finger (almost an infection?) for which I had to care for a day and almost made me miss a trip to Disneyland! On my left hand she gouged my palm and left an inch-long cut which is just barely vanishing now. It’s really annoying trying to dress oneself when one’s hands are injured and bandaged, I’ll have you know.

Someone did something unexpected, not exactly pleasant. That’s all I’ll say.

Again felt lost and unsure of what to do with my life. Still no drive to get a job. ._.

My computer was running a bit sluggishly while using Adobe design programs. I’m used to that, never was able to run InDesign, Photoshop, and Illustrator all at once. But the fact that I couldn’t paint in Photoshop with both Firefox and Seamonkey open on Flash-heavy sites was such a pain. (I tried to ask for money for Christmas to buy more RAM for my computer, not sure how successful I would have been if two people hadn’t surprised me with lotso cash. :3 I think, though, that part of my problem was that I had left old SQL files on my desktop totalling over 5 MB. I realized that today when my aunt was explaining virtual memory to my mom, haha! Hopefully moving them off my desktop will speed things up. Then maybe I won’t have to spend so much on RAM!)

I lost my hairclip. This shouldn’t be so bad, but I really don’t know where I lost it and it bugs me. How can I be sure I won’t commit the same mistake again if I don’t know what I did wrong? Also it was a really good hairclip, it lasted me a good few years whereas before I went through hairclips every year. And it was pretty. Then another hairclip that I owned broke. $16 for a really pretty hairclip and the metal busted on one side so it’s kaput. Who said having a lot of hair is envious? I think it’s a bother.

For a few months now my laptop would have times where the Backspace key wouldn’t work. After a while the H key would go out too. Recently the G key joined the random moratorium. Even more recently, shutting down and starting fresh would not get the keys working again. I spent a couple days depressed thinking of my little baby that got me through college just being a useless lump of ancient computer parts. After a trip to Fry’s I had the brilliant idea to just buy an external keyboard. I don’t use my laptop much anyway. Just to listen to music and to use WordPress. But today! Today I started up my laptop and the keys worked!! I’m not holding my breath for this being permanent, but it gave me hope.

On said trip to Fry’s I was wondering why my month sucked so much, and I was beginning to blame it on aforementioned Someone, but I gave myself a hard shake and realized it was mostly my state of mind. Both bad and good things happened this month, I was just in a poor mood, likely because of cold temperatures and ill health, and I was focusing on the bad things. I managed to buck up and wrap Christmas presents and have a great Christmas with my wonderful family.

I wrapped my dad’s present, a JAG hat, in a huge box (“Did you remember to put anything in here?”) with tons of bows and ribbons on it. I noticed there was a serious Cinco de Mayo color scheme because I couldn’t choose among the red, green, and white on the wrapping paper, but no one else commented on it. :P

One brother’s present I wrapped in lots of newspaper ads, trying to make it look less like a DVD, the other’s I put in an empty Scotch tape refill box.

One cousin’s present I had to make a box for, so I used a Robitussin box (my sickness came in handy?) and the other I sandwiched money between two old Dragonball Z VHS cassettes.

Everyone had comments about how I wrapped their presents, so all in all I think it was a successful venture. XD

so much Disney

All right, my birthday weekend post, almost a month late. :o

Saturday I went with my brother and cousins to Anime Expo, woot! Tracey and her friend saw a panel on Trigun, then we wandered around upstairs where they had all these things scheduled. We were too late for the line dancing. :( Not that I really wanted to learn line dancing, though, I could probably find an odori class somewhere in West L.A., hahaha. I just wanted to watch! But they wouldn’t let us in. pooh.

After that we went to the vendor hall and wandered around there for the rest of the time. I got some clothes, a magazine, a Snoopy, and some Japanese paper at Kinokuniya later.

Then I wandered around the artist area while everyone else rested on the side. I saw a couple artists whom I follow on deviantArt, talked to one of them (didn’t introduce myself though; I’m a lurker watcher on her dA page >.>), skipped the other because her table was so busy and I was getting exhausted. Talked to some other artists … I don’t remember their names though.

When we were done at AX we drove up to J-town and ate dinner at the Curry House. Yay! Yum! And we checked out Kinokuniya, where I stock up on Japanese paper, both washi and origami. XD

Walked around the Japanese Village Plaza (or whatever it’s called), a lot of stores were closed for Fourth of July.

After all that we went our separate ways and Hidek and I went home where we greeted our grandparents and had apple pie a la mode before watching the fireworks display. woo! (The fireworks are fairly boring compared to Disneyland, but heck this show is in our very own backyard! [Or, visible from our backyard.] Can’t beat that!)

The next day my family and I drove down to Disneyland where I paid for a blockout pass ($40) in order to get my fun card for my birthday ($69) since I have an annual pass and can get in for free (technically) almost any day. So I came out $29 ahead! Which I spent on a hat last time I went to Disneyland. :P Now whatever I get on my fun card, I’ve already given Disney cash for it.

We wandered around Downtown Disney for a while, but it was so unbearably hot and humid that we didn’t stick around much, and we moved on to Knott’s Berry Farm! We didn’t go in the park, just ate at Mrs. Knott’s Chicken Dinner Restaurant (is that the name?) and looked through a few shops in the area.

We definitely checked out the Snoopy headquarters store! hee! I was sort of disappointed though. There was only one new Snoopy plushie, in swim trunks and holding a surfboard, and not many other plushies of other characters. :/ I saw Mr. Snoops in the store though! (The Snoopy in a business suit. :3) I thought it was hilarious to see a Snoopy in a suit with a really huge head. As evidenced in my Snoopy family portrait, my Snoops has a smushed head, or as Tadash puts it, he’s been rendered brainless. *grin*

That was my wonderful birthday weekend! (And today we get to do the Downtown Disney part again for my brother’s birthday. :D)

Continue reading “so much Disney”

one of those life-assessing entries

What have I been doing lately… Haven’t been writing here, that’s for sure. I graduated in late March and have in my possession a Bachelor’s degree (it’s sitting in my desk) in “Graphic Communication.”

Okay. Now what? I’d originally planned to do nothing for a week or two, call up the guy I’d worked for the past three summers, do some work here and there until I went on two vacations planned with my relatives, then go find a job.

Well I ended up waiting over a month to make that call to find that he had no work for me and decided definitely not to pursue a job with a seemingly flaky company that I had been interested in. I have taken trips to Palm Springs and (southwestern) Utah for the first (but not last) time in my life. Oh and did I mention my new annual pass to Disneyland? So basically I’m just sitting here, on the computer, trying to figure out what the heck I’m supposed to do next.