Man, this blog has slowly been gathering dust and spiderwebs. Although I am posting somewhat sporadically, I haven’t touched anything else on this domain. I haven’t really touched any of my sites in quite a while. But I did work on my online portfolio a lot last quarter.
This quarter I’m working on printing out and binding another book, even though I’m not in the book design class. All the fun, none of the stress! I had to rush around to buy the book, cut off the spine, scan all the pages, OCR the text, edit the text and correct errors (of which there are many), and after I’m done with that (I’ve got about 20 pages left) I get to design the pages! Yay! Heh, I’ve spent the past week or so reading through the book—on screen, yes—and correcting anything and everything. (Ironic that my senior project is about print books or electronic books, no?)
So I’ve got that senior project to work on, but I’m not giving that much of my attention. Mreh. This week I have to buckle down and go to the library to write the last two chapters to turn in.
Other than my one class that I have this quarter, which I already finished the big assignment for and only have a midterm and final to look forward to, I am also working on making cards for all the teachers in my department. I’m not really working on that much. grrrs.
I’ve got all the pieces I want (I think; I spent the past couple months realizing I need this or that item and running out to buy it) and now I just need to actually put the cards together! The problem with that is I need to fold 3×the number of faculty amount of paper cranes. Roughly. Some cards might have more, some less. I think I have about three or four teachers covered at this point. *shifts glance*
And on top of that … I feel like working on my websites again. After abandoning them for I don’t know how long. I probably worked on them some last quarter, but not much, and I don’t think I was on the computer that often over summer.
I think I’m finally tired of the jester and monk layout. (Wow, can you imagine that? I still love the black/red/white colors, I just want to look at something new.) Next I might go for a light, spring-inspired design. Or not, you know me. (If you don’t, then know that I like teh dark because I am so emo!)