Out of the blue one day…
Mama: “Don’t you think we should work on a Base 24 instead of Base 10?”
Me: Base what and Base 10? *thinking aliens and secret government stuff* Ohh, Base 10 “Why?”
Mama: “Because 24 can be divided by 3 and 10 can’t.”
Me: “What do you mean? When you divide 10 by 3 you get a third.”
Mama: “Yeah, I know, but it never ends. It keeps going, 3.3333 … With 24 at least you get a whole number.”
Me: “When you divide 10 by 3 you get one-third, and when you divide 24 by 3 you get one-third.”
Mama: “… I have to rethink that.”
^.^; Umm, a convo I mean to put up when it actually happened, but forgot, and now I suddenly remembered, so now it’s up! ^_^
And yeah, me and Mommy and Daddy and Mickey and Hidek went to … San Luis Obispo, Apple Farm Restaurant/Inn, then on to San Jose/Santa Clara (I think … ?_?), then down to San Fransisco, Oakland, Back to SF, then hooooome … I’ll write about it later … I hope.