SLD, Cardigans, and Riri Shushu

Wooow … I guess I just don’t feel like talking on and on. ^.^ Haven’t written that much in lj or dland or a secret log I started up recently either. o.o

Ah well. Let’s see what I can talk about. I don’t know. Oh. My group’s sld on Thursday rocked! XD (SLD = Student-Led Discussion) We barely said anything! The discussion just jumped up and ran. XDDD The prof: “There were times when barely anyone talked, and now everyone is talking all at once … couldn’t we have a happy medium where everyone talks … but not all at once?” Ahhh!! Sho cool! :D:D

And I got The Cardigans’ new album, Long Gone Before Daylight. *dances all over the room* It’s wonderful! They’ve matured nicely. Haha. It’s not like any of their other albums. It is rather folksy, like someone said on the forum. But not too bad, I don’t think. Then again, Daddy was tapping his foot to the music, so there’s gotta be something wrong there. :b (Daddy likes country and stuff.) I think I like the songs Communication and And Then You Kissed Me the most (although ATYKM is about an abusive relationship …).

I also got All About Lily Chou-Chou. YAYAYAYAY!!! :D Such a gooood movie!! ^___^ Also a very bad movie. o_o Should be rated R. I didn’t know that when I first started watching. ^.^ I assumed it was PG-13 or something. Japan is hooorrible now! ;_; Well, I can’t assume it’s like that everywhere, right? *hopes and prays*

It was funny, at the beginning, Yuichi was caught stealing Lily Chou-Chou’s newest album, and when his mom came into the office to talk to the teacher who fixed the problem (o_o that was weird, too) and another teacher and was told that Yuichi was stealing, she just jumped up and started beating him with her purse. O_O I thought that was funneee! ^.^;;;

Then Mommy started explaining to me, even though I knew this (it was why I started laughing ^_^;;;), that stealing is horrible, horrible, and that Yuichi is now DIRT because of that. Lower than dirt, if that’s possible. And because he’s dirt, his mom is dirt, because she’s related to him, she brought him up, she’s lived with him, etc. etc., she hasn’t brought him up to STEAL. And now their neighbors will ostracize them and everything. Japan is weird. I love it. Then the other teacher, after he calmed her down, said it wasn’t such a big thing, a lot of kids steal. o.o;

I <3 Yuichi and Hoshino and Tsuda and Kuno. ^____^ *sniffle* Everyone see the movie. Unless you’re under 17. ._.;

Ah. I also got all the Lily Chou-Chou songs in mp3 format. XDDD Although I wish I could buy the CD. :( Guess I’ll just burn my own …

11 thoughts on “SLD, Cardigans, and Riri Shushu

  1. “There were times when barely anyone talked, and now everyone is talking all at once … couldn’t we have a happy medium where everyone talks … but not all at once?”

    XD Funné funné. :P

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