Yay! I ish back on my laptop! ^^ I haven’t been on since Friday night. I was using Hidek’s flunky computer. Blah. Sooo many restarts. *holds head*
Anyway. I don’t really know what I did over the weekend. Lot of nothing. And now I don’t know what I’m doing now. Lot of nothing. Hm.
I’m almost done with Shadow Puppets. ;-; Nooo, it’s all coming to an end.
… After I finish that I have The Bonesetter’s Daughter and Good Omens to read. And I also feel like rereading Little Women. Then there’s half a dozen books I want to read once more before I give them away. Oh yeah. Also The Da Vinci Code. ^^
And … I have The Sandman book ten to read, then Death: The High Cost of Living, then the last two stories in Endless Nights, and then I’m done with the Sandman series. ;_; It’s just too sad.
*spoils the whole book*