aim name; connection

Dangit. I think someone stole one of my aim names. I tried signing on but got a message saying I couldn’t sign on for a number of reasons. The ones I remember being: being underage (according to the profile); having been an AOL member and ending the service; and violating the terms of service. I tried checking my profile for my age but I couldn’t sign in with the password I had, so then I tried to get my password e-mailed to me, and I never got it. I’m pretty sure it’s signed up under my addy. (Not that I actually use that address for anything, I’m just too lazy to change it. ahaha) I’ve never been an AOL user (I’ve only ever used dial-up a loooong time ago at Noelle’s house; 100% cable spoiled, baby). Lastly, I couldn’t have violated anything, I didn’t even use that name for the longestestest time.

Not that it really matters or anything, ’cause only Hidek knew about it … but still. I like that name. It makes me sad. And really paranoid. >_> I think the person changed the e-mail address, too … ’cause I tried to resest the password three times and I never got the e-mail. (I did it three times to bug whoever changed it. ^^;;) The only really bad part about it is that I had everyone’s usernames on the buddy list. >.> Hopefully no one was bugged by someone who pretended to know them.

I want my name back. :(

Oh yeah! Daddy bought a new router last weekend. Even though Daddy’s computer still gets moments of no internet connection, it’s not as bad as it used to be. Hidek’s, I don’t know, I haven’t used his comp lately. Or at least, not long enough to tell if it’s connected all the time (he keeps kicking me off). Aaand … my laptop is connected all the time now! XD Except for yesterday, because some option was turned off on the router, and it wouldn’t connect at all. I think, though … that I have a slow connection. But I don’t know if that’s just Livejournal/Greatestjournal. Oh well. Yay! ^_^

I still want my name back though.

… I think I forgot to end Daylight Savings Time here. Oops. Oh well.

2 thoughts on “aim name; connection

  1. Oh, I’m not coming til tomorrow afternoon, ’cause I don’t have class until 1. ^^

    And I got my name back! XD I have no idea how. >.> I never got any of the half a dozen password reminders that I asked for either. GRRRR. But I’ll tell you the name tomorrow.

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