Dangit. I think someone stole one of my aim names. I tried signing on but got a message saying I couldn’t sign on for a number of reasons. The ones I remember being: being underage (according to the profile); having been an AOL member and ending the service; and violating the terms of service. I tried checking my profile for my age but I couldn’t sign in with the password I had, so then I tried to get my password e-mailed to me, and I never got it. I’m pretty sure it’s signed up under my jmrh@y.com addy. (Not that I actually use that address for anything, I’m just too lazy to change it. ahaha) I’ve never been an AOL user (I’ve only ever used dial-up a loooong time ago at Noelle’s house; 100% cable spoiled, baby). Lastly, I couldn’t have violated anything, I didn’t even use that name for the longestestest time.
Not that it really matters or anything, ’cause only Hidek knew about it … but still. I like that name. It makes me sad. And really paranoid. >_> I think the person changed the e-mail address, too … ’cause I tried to resest the password three times and I never got the e-mail. (I did it three times to bug whoever changed it. ^^;;) The only really bad part about it is that I had everyone’s usernames on the buddy list. >.> Hopefully no one was bugged by someone who pretended to know them.
I want my name back. :(
Oh yeah! Daddy bought a new router last weekend. Even though Daddy’s computer still gets moments of no internet connection, it’s not as bad as it used to be. Hidek’s, I don’t know, I haven’t used his comp lately. Or at least, not long enough to tell if it’s connected all the time (he keeps kicking me off). Aaand … my laptop is connected all the time now! XD Except for yesterday, because some option was turned off on the router, and it wouldn’t connect at all. I think, though … that I have a slow connection. But I don’t know if that’s just Livejournal/Greatestjournal. Oh well. Yay! ^_^
I still want my name back though.
… I think I forgot to end Daylight Savings Time here. Oops. Oh well.
What name is it?? Kill the person who stoled it. Well depends on who is it. FIne, you can tell me tonight when you get here.
Oh, I’m not coming til tomorrow afternoon, ’cause I don’t have class until 1. ^^
And I got my name back! XD I have no idea how. >.> I never got any of the half a dozen password reminders that I asked for either. GRRRR. But I’ll tell you the name tomorrow.