Cassie Steele

I don’t know when I started watching Degrassi TNG, maybe the second year it ran on The N. Oh, I do know that Noelle’s family had digital cable at the time. I also remember that they got it when they put in the new floor. w00t! General timeline-yness!

*cough* Anyway. I knew the character Manny Santos as that cute little girl! Now she’s all … ehh. *coughslutcough* (The N never played her two-part episode, did they?)

But tonight, because I was being curious, in my follow-semi-random-links mood, I found out that Cassie Steele, the actor who plays Manny, is releasing an album, “How Much for Happy,” that (as far as I can figure, from her site) she wrote herself. I went to her site, and the pictures on the site are, eh, kind of adult (I just wonder, how will she feel about this stuff when she’s 30, or older?).

I also found out her clothing style is so different from her character, Manny. Manny wears all those trendy (ho) clothes, kind of J-Lo style. Cassie likes black (chipped, heh) nail polish, grungy clothes, leather jackets, and army boots. I guess it’s kind of like … I forget her name, the person who plays Ellie, she isn’t goth/punk, she rather likes to make her friends laugh. You just act the person you aren’t, because it’s more fun than acting like yourself …

But anyway. I just made this entry mainly to say, go to her site and see the video/hear the audio of her single, “Blue Bird,” because omigosh I can’t believe she can sing like that!! :O I love it. Her singing style is more earthy, low, not … umm, Jessica Simpson-ish? But she can still belt out notes. *grin*

I really really want to buy her CD … but I guess I’d have to buy it through her site … Paypal … and Mum and Daddy are trying desperately to pay down their credit cards at the moment. (Did you know that Hidek is going to start driver’s ed/training this spring? Eep, three kids under twenty-one on one insurance plan, killer.) Besides, it’s not like I have any money to spend either. ahaha. Oh well. *adds to want list*

4 thoughts on “Cassie Steele

  1. “Oh, I do know that Noelle’s family had digital cable at the time. I also remember that they got it when they put in the new floor.”

    ÔÔ We put in a new floor? ::scratches head::

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