fanlisting gripes

I’m going through all the fanlistings I joined and … making sure I’m still listed, making sure the fanlisting is still there, other things. Why? Because … I guess I have nothing better to do. (I think, when I do nothing on the weekend [I mean go out somewhere] I get bored and … I don’t know what I’m thinking really because my body wants sleep but I’m too bored to sleep. [Make something out of that if you will.]) I already looked at lj, the site that will remain unnamed on my blog because it’s too trendy, the comments on lj, updated my fanlistings, ran Norton Anti-Virus and Spybot Search & Destroy and Ad-Aware (because I randomly got a pop-up warning me some IP-url was trying to set a cookie; nothing was found), umm … updated all the minor pages on this site … and I don’t really remember what else I did so I guess it was nothing interesting.

Anyway! (I got this health booklet thingie from my psych prof because the health center printed them out and he thought we students should have one so I took one and it says in here “Staying awake for 17 to 19 hours is like having a blood alcohol level of .05…” WOO! Um, yeah, I know that doesn’t mean they have the same … chemical? effect, but it’s still funny. And no, I’m not drunk. Honestly.)

Two gripes I have about fanlistings (I don’t remember where I put the other gripes, so … no sort of linkage for … linking purposes). One, when the list isn’t sorted alphabetically, it’s sorted by member id/join order. It just makes it that much harder to find my name, meaning I have to pull out the Ctrl-F action, which isn’t too bad really but still fairly annoying considering lists are meant for an easier read (no?). And seriously, what’s the point of it? “Oh look, the person on the bottom of my list is such a BIG NUMBER. I’m really POPULAR, I have so many people joining my fanlisting of a subject not at all related to me.”

Two, the Enthusiast list default setup, just yuck. I am very much partial to the PHPFanBase list. ALL the members on ONE single page. No flipping through multiple pages trying to guess where “Jei…” might end up on the list. I guess I understand why the Enth list is set up that way, it makes it less, I don’t know, demeaning? to the members (I’m no longer a number! hurrah!), and it’s trying to lessen the download time and such. (If those are the reasons, I’m just guessing.) But … I don’t know about you, but it doesn’t cut down on time much either way, download time or my time trying to find my name. For example. The Inuyasha fanlisting uses the Enth script. I applaud them (since I never managed to get it to work for me *pout*). I just wish they could find the coding (I hope that’s the word I’m thinking of) that says how many people are listed per page. Because every time I look at the list I keep going from somewhere in the middle to … wherever I am on that list. I usually end up going through about 10-20 pages searching for J … then Je … then … finally … Jei. I know the list is so huge that she doesn’t want too much data downloaded at one time, but … maybe if she changed it from 25 members to maybe 50? then I could cut down on how many pages I look through.

Or maybe I’m just being an uber dork, checking a few times a year to see that my info is exactly the same as … the last time I checked. (Or maybe, all the time I’m doing this, I’m secretly cursing the people who DON’T update their info in the fanlistings that I run. *snerk*)


Enthusiast hates me. :(

But at least with v3 I managed to install it … I’m just stuck on actually making a fanlisting at the moment. (moment=2 or so hours)

my ultimate fanlisting!

I’ve never used this word before, but …


I got approved for The Cardigans fanlisting!!!!! Two years after the first time I applied … the first time I ever applied at TheFanlistings(.net), and I got turned down. It was given to someone who only updated like 2 or 3 times … But yay I got it!! XD *dancey*

Now to actually make it … o.o

stoopid viruses. stoopid brain.

Glah! Note to self: Do not ever attempt to update your fanlistings after 11 EVER AGAIN. I think I got … oh, maybe three viruses attached to e-mails. ¬_¬ (I usually log into my mail through the browser before I download to my computer …) Oh, I have a lovely anti-virus program, but still, they’re all quarantined, and it disgusts me, having them sit on my PRECIOUS HARD DRIVE SPACE. (Okay I’ll never fill up 27 gigs but that doesn’t matter.)

Glahfie a;niefo;ani;

And then I uploaded my Lisa Loeb fl index into my links directory. o_O Yeah. No touchie pagie after 11. Definitely. *goes wandering off*

i don’t think woah

Yeah! iat r back, w00t w00t! ^_^;; My domain registration expired on the 2nd and I couldn’t renew until the 6th. >_>

And all the stuff that I updated/changed on my pages over the weekend … uhh, I can’t remember whatall I worked on, so it’s not being uploaded. ^^;; So there really was no point of me updating, was there? Oh well. Mainly I just made a fanlisting collective and added more photos to Elsewhere. The reason why I made a fl collective is so I can just change ONE page when I have to say something about all my fanlistings. >_>

AND I got two books on Friday on Mary Leakey, for my anthropology report. Yay! One of the books is over 600 pages long. *dies* I haven’t started reading them yet. :b Of course.

Last night I started playing Ocarina of Time on the GCN. ‘Cause I haven’t, yet. ^^;; No, I guess I’m not much of a gamer anymore … not that I ever really was either … *shakes her fist at her brothers who hogged the consoles all the time* I dunno how many games I’ve played, but the ONLY one I’ve ever finished is Kirby’s Dreamland. ^^; Yeah, when I beat it (a long long time ago … in a land far …), I was sooo happy! XP But I can’t beat the second game. >_> Stupid crystals won’t show up so I can find them.

Aaaaanyway. Yeah. Last night I played OoT. And I got stuck in the Deku Tree. >.>;;; I got the slingshot. Now I dunno what to do. ^^;;;;; I read the player’s guide, that thing sucks. I read a walkthrough, and that thing sucks. (Go left. Go right. Go up. Go down. >.<) I feel really stupid. ^^;;;;

Oh! I had a dream that I went with my brothers to a mall, and we went to this store that had DVDs and CDs and video games, and they were having a sale on their games, and they had Link to the Past for GBA and the Zelda bonus disc, which they had a high price on. And I magically had lots of money, but only enough for one game. ;.; So I walked up to the cashier with both games and my money, and he asked which one I wanted, and I said I didn’t know, so he rang me up, then asked which one I wanted, and I said I still wasn’t sure, so he opened up both games and popped them in and started playing to show me how each was. Then I woke up and I didn’t have EITHER game! *cries*

Speaking of a guy cashier at a video game store, I wonder how Kayura is, and her video game store guy … >.> I think I lost her e-mail. >_< Dang, I lose more friends that way. And she doesn’t get on aim anymore. *sigh*

Oh well. We can meet up again in Heaven. :) And now off I go to pull weeds with Mum in the front yard. XP