use the right words…

Wow. Windows Explorer just disappeared again. All I had open was Windows Media Player, Volume Control, IE 7, and Firefox. I also had just closed FileZilla and Paint Shop Pro (6, if anyone’s counting; yes I do like my ancient programs).

It probably didn’t help that I had a … My Documents folder Window open (… I have no idea what they’re called, sadly) with a folder of almost 400 images in the Thumbnails view setting (woo, look at that CPU speed shoot through the roof!) that I was attempting to close.

(It was my Amy Lee 2 folder. Yes I have enough images in one folder to warrant the creation of a second folder. Why am I talking about this? I have no idea. One would think that I’d find it horribly embarrassing to post on the internet that I have almost 1500 images of Amy Lee on my computer. — And I’m just saving pictures to analyze her style, sheesh!)

I think I really do need help … for my laptop, I mean.

This did remind me of another complaint I have though: it takes forever to go from My Computer to either the Windows folder or Program Files folder. Also the My Music folder (moved it to C:\ when my laptop was running at a fraction of a snail’s speed after installing SP 2), but not as slowly, so it’s not that bad. Sometimes it also takes a few seconds to load the C:\ drive itself, and the little flashlight beams around searching for it. (Helloooo, Windows, where aaare you? Olly olly oxen freee!)

more blog news stuff

Yay, I have entry pages for entries 1 through 30. See how productive I was today? Haha.

Now I’m undecided. Do I sign up for an account at some journal site? Or do I not? If I do, then I have yet another journal account. @.@ And it wouldn’t be on my server. If I don’t, then I’m stuck with Greymatter, and I don’t want to keep racking up these entries that I have to carry around with me every time I change servers. But I’m gonna get hosting for in the next few months, what would I do with that journal account then? But if I don’t get a journal, I wouldn’t update my blog, ’cause I don’t wanna use Greymatter.

And other thoughts that I can’t quite form in my brain and put in order here. Mm. *shrugs*

Well, either way, I’m trying to make a new layout. Except PSP 8 is so slooow. :| I dunno how it compares to PS, memory and space and whatever else wise, but it’s still slower than PS. Although it takes like half a second shorter to load up. XP And just now, when I hit “save” then went to another window, it said PSP did something or other and had to be closed, and bleh. So I dunno if it saved, Ha Ha Ha. Doesn’t matter, I’m not sure I like it all that much after all.

But still. PS never has to be closed. Well, except when I select the window to close it and then close it, but all the display windows are still struggling to show up, then Windows tells me it’s not responding, do I want to end it immediately? I just hit no and it closes on its own time. *shrugs* I think the only good PSP 8 does is give me more filters and stuff to mess with. :P

That reminds me … PS 8 came out recently, didn’t it? Hmmm … *dreams* I think it comes with Adobe Illustrator as well? I don’t really know what I’d do with that, I just want it. :b I dunno, I forget what I read. I forget where I got the link to the page that I read. o_O

No, what I really want at the moment is a computer that could handle PS and PSP 8 and … whatever else. Ooh. I would like a computer that I could play Rollercoaster Tycoon and Starcraft on without the graphics being all fuzzy. Yes, that would be nice. But it cannot be had. Maybe when I go to Cal Poly. No, definitely when I go to Cal Poly. ¬.¬ I’m not gonna take graphics classes with a laptop that has only 256 ram, and absolutely no space for more.

I’m being random. Oh well. To add to the randomness … my immediate wants are Paradise Kiss 5 and The Strokes’s album that isn’t Room on Fire (I keep forgetting the name of it). Yeah. And a nice red shirt. Or tank top. I have one old red shirt that’s faded and that the cats pulled a couple threads out of, so it looks ratty, and I have an almost brand new tank top from Forever 21, the Asian one with all the gold glitter on it, but it has glitter on it, and I don’t like wearing it around just anywhere.

I never mentioned that I found out over winter break that the mall now has a Charlotte Russe store. :D Verah cool. Great fun. Except it’s too expensive. :( Oh well. Need sleep badly now.

you and I both know

Okay! Finally. New layout. :b I spent most of my computer time working on this today. *breathes* And I’m so happy! :D Well, okay, I guess it’s a weird layout. >.> I made it, so hey, that explains it. Yup. Anyway … I had bunches of stuff I wanted to say about it. Lessee. I used Adobe Photoshop to make it. :) Well, for the most part. I used PSP to make the red part. ^^;; I’m still more sure of myself in PSP than PS, so … yeah.

I also learned (finally) how to use that image slicer. :D That’s why there’re so many images to load. ^^;; This one site I was looking at said slicing up images doesn’t make it load any faster, but it loads faster in the person’s mind, because the mind fills in the empty parts of the image as it’s loading. I thought that was interesting. But then I looked at the coding that was spilled out x_x and now I wonder, doesn’t that take a longer time to load? Mm. Dunno. Oh well. What else … Side scrolling! Hopefully that doesn’t annoy tooo many people. >_> ^^;;;; Sorry, I just like the look of it. Maybe I’m less annoyed by them because my touchpad lets me scroll sideways on the bottom. ^.^; So sorry.

Um. Look! See gif? Is fading away to the bottom! :D:D I think it was more trouble than it was worth, though. :/ And about the words at the top … I didn’t know what to call it, and “spuger” (kinda like booger :b) came to mind. But then I found out it’s a real thing (Yahoo search) so I changed it to spugey (now like “pukey”). And “reyal” came from me first calling it a royal mess, but I thought that was insulting to any royals, so I changed it to reyal (and I think it’s a word in Spanish, but I didn’t look it up ^^;;). So, yeah, that’s it.

On to the next thing. Mommy reminded me about the thing on channel 5, so I watched it. She knew about it ’cause KTLA Morning News had a spot on it or something. Evanescence was on last. (“You have to watch the lesser bands first,” Mommy said :b) W00t! And Gregory Smith and what’s-her-name hosted it. o.o Yay! Gregory Smith!! XP

Evanescence performed two songs, Going Under and Bring Me to Life. Mommy asked if they were really playing or if it was a recording, because “it sounds so good!” Yaay! :D And I think I wanna be Amy Lee. o_o;; I wanna sing like her; I wanna design clothes like her; I wanna be her. O_o I never wanted to be anyone else before. Oh well. I wanna sing like her!! *cries*

weird PSP layers thing

>_< Something’s really messed up with PSP 6. I make a new layer, and try to name it “eyelid shades.” (If that sounds weird, don’t ask …) But! When I try to type in “L” (actually, lowercase, but I put uppercase for more legibility) the layers tool window goes away! I push “L” again and it comes back, so I try to type “L” again (I know, I’m very stubborn, and don’t learn easily because of it) and the layers window goes away again!

I skip over that letter, and type in “ids sh” but when I hit “H” the histogram window pops up! I type “H” again and it goes away. ¬_¬ I know, I know, “Well just skip typing ‘H’ too!” I can’t! I’m just that way! Everything needs to be just so! Or else I get really irritated. And confuzzled, if there’s lots of other stuff on my mind. :/ I don’t like the idea of having a layer called “eyeids sades.” ^_^;;;;

Arrrrgh!!! I have no idea what’s going on!! *looks around suspiciously* This never happened before. Is it something I did? Because I have other layers with the letters L and H!!! >>_<< What in high hell is going on around here?!

*sniffle* This means I can’t continue with my project! ;_; Well, I could, but it’d look really silly and funnay. ^_^;; I exaggerate. It’d only look really silly and funny to me.

*gasp* OOOOOOH!! It works now!!! ^_^. I don’t know why it wasn’t working before, though. ¬_¬